Franklinton, Louisiana

September 25, 1997

6:30 P.M.


            The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: President Harold Smith, Karl Bickham, Juanita Barker, Holly James, Susanne Jones, Hayward Boone, Richard N. Thomas, Bruce Brown, and Freddie Jefferson.  Absent: None.


            Agenda Item #1 - Call to order.


            The meeting was called to order by President Smith.  He welcomed guests and news media present.


            Agenda Item #2 - Invocation.


            The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.


            Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance.


            Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the September 11, 1997, regular board meeting.


            It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board adopt the minutes of the September 11, 1997, regular board meeting, as submitted to each board member.  Motion carried unanimously.


            President Smith stated the agenda would be changed to allow Mrs. Toni Tageant to present Agenda Item #9 at this time.


            Agenda Item #9 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bids received for the purchase of four (4) Laptop Word Processor Rolling Labs (Toni Tageant).


            Mrs. Toni Tageant, a teacher at Franklinton High School, stated that one (1) bid was received for the purchase of four (4) Laptop Word Processor Rolling Labs,  which was from NTS Computer Systems, Ltd., in the amount of $45,600.00.  She recommended that the Board accept the bid.


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Juanita Barker, that the Board award the contract for the purchase of four (4) Laptop Word Processor Rolling Labs to NTS Computer Systems, Ltd., in the amount of $45,600.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #5 - Recognition of recipients of LA LEARN Teacher Grants (Rebecca Kemp).


            Mrs. Rebecca Kemp, Technology Director/Grant Facilitator, introduced Jo’el Givens and Adam Kemp, teachers at Franklinton Jr. High School, who received LA LEARN Teacher Grants of $1,000.00 each.


            Agenda Item #6 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Classroom Based Technology Grant (Rebecca Kemp).


            Mrs. Rebecca Kemp, Technology Director/Grant Facilitator, briefly reviewed the Classroom Based Technology Fund & Technology Literacy Challenge Grant Application. It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Juanita Barker, that the Board approve the Classroom Based Technology Fund & Technology Literacy Challenge Grant Application in the amount of $223,634.04, as presented by Rebecca Kemp, Technology Director/Grant Facilitator.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #7 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding amended Goals 2000 Improvement Plan (Rebecca Kemp).


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board approve the amended Goals 2000 Improvement Plan, as presented by Rebecca Kemp, Technology Director/Grant Facilitator.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #8 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bids received for the purchase of a truck for the maintenance department (William R. Brignac).


            William R. Brignac, Supervisor of Maintenance and Vocational Education, reviewed the following bids received for the purchase of a truck for the maintenance department:


            Hood Cefalu, Inc., Amite, LA                               $15,712.00

            Mack Grubbs Motors, Inc., Bogalusa, LA             $16,750.00

            Sicard Motors, Inc., Franklinton, LA                     $17,487.00


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board award the contract for the purchase of a truck for the maintenance department to the low bidder, Hood Cefalu, Inc., Amite, LA, in the amount of $15,712.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #9 - SEE ABOVE.


            Agenda Item #10 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Property and Casualty Insurance renewal proposal (Adren Raybourn).


            Following review by Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, of the recommendations of Norris Insurance Consultants, it was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board place property and casualty insurance coverage with Alexander & Alexander, Inc. - National Casualty Ins. Co., effective October 1, 1997, through September 30, 1998, for the following premiums:


                        General Liability                                     $          64,734.00

                        Automobile                                                        64,126.00

                        Umbrella/Excess Liability                                   17,301.00

                        Board Error & Omissions Liability                         7,799.00

                        Inland Marine Floater (Portable Bldgs.)                    212.00

                        Building & Contents                                          36,088.00


                                                            TOTAL                   $   190,260.00


Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #11 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding allocation of State Funded Materials and Supplies for Teachers (Adren Raybourn).


            Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, reviewed House Bill No. 1380, which provides funds for classroom teachers to purchase materials and supplies.  According to Mr. Raybourn, the guidelines sent out by the State Department of Education state that, once the school district receives the funds, it is the responsibility of the governing board to allocate funds to each classroom teacher within a school on a per pupil basis.  Mr. Raybourn stated, “It is recommended that the funds be distributed to each classroom teacher based upon this year’s count (using some common date established by the local board).  Once the district’s per pupil amount is established, these funds are to flow to each school based on the student count at each school.  After considerable thought, we feel that we should send the funds, by check, to the individual schools to be handled through schools’ activity accounts, and the principal at each site be charged with the detailed administration associated with the spending of and the accounting for the funds, with strict guidelines from the central office.”


            It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Juanita Barker, that the Board approve the following allocation of State funded materials and supplies for teachers:


            Total Amount Received - $62,119.00 Divided By 4,776 Students:

                                                $13.00649 Per Student


            Student Count & Teacher Count as of September 22, 1997



Angie                            17                     245                   $3,186.48                      $187.44

Enon                             17                     238                   $3,095.53                      $182.09

Franklinton Primary        33                     445                   $5,787.87                      $175.39

Franklinton Elementary   23                     397                   $5,163.50                      $224.50

Franklinton Jr. High        30                     501                   $6,516.30                      $217.21

Franklinton High             46                     675                   $8,592.80                      $186.80

Mt. Hermon                   35                     550                   $7,153.65                      $204.39

Pine                              40                     668                   $8,476.40                      $211.91

Thomas                         25                     411                   $5,345.50                      $213.82

Varnado Elementary       10                     151                   $1,964.00                      $196.40

Varnado High                 21                     245                   $3,186.54                      $151.74

Wesley Ray                  22                     250                   $3,251.60                      $147.80

Industrial Arts Teachers 2 (Franklinton High and Pine)       $   398.83                      $199.41

                                                                                                TOTAL          $  62,119.00         


            Pupil Appraisal Personnel           Adult Ed. Teachers

            Coordinators                              Librarians

            Guidance Counselors                 Title I Preschool Teachers

            Principals                                  Starting Points Preschool Teachers

            Speech Therapists                     8(g) Preschool Teachers


Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #12 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Title I 1996/97 additional allocation (T. J. Butler, Jr.).


            T. J. Butler, Jr., Supervisor, Federally Assisted Programs, reviewed Plan 1 and Plan 2 for allocating 1996-97 Title I additional allocations (Total: $10,172.63).  It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board approve Plan 2, as follows:


                                    %FREE &         #FREE &          AMOUNT PER   AMOUNT PER

SCHOOL                       REDUCED        REDUCED        CHILD               SCHOOL

Varnado High                 100%                295                   $4.00                $1,180.00

Varnado Elem.               100%                167                   $4.00                $   668.00

Angie Jr. High                98.4%               249                   $4.00                $   996.00

Wesley Ray                  96.8%               310                   $4.00                $1,240.00

Thomas Jr. High             91.9%               410                   $4.00                $1,604.00

Franklinton Primary        88.7%               411                   $3.00                $1,233.00

Franklinton Elem.           85.2%               359                   $3.00                $1,077.00

Mt. Hermon                   75.9%               463                   $2.00                $   926.00

Enon Elem.                   75.9%               205                   $2.00                $   410.00

Pine                              70.8%               487                   $2.00                $   838.63

Franklinton Jr. High        68.6%               343                   $1.00                      -0-

Franklinton High             61.3%               399                   $1.00                      -0-      

TOTAL ALLOCATION:                                                                             $10,172.63


FOR: Juanita Barker, Hayward Boone, Richard N. Thomas, Bruce Brown, and Freddie Jefferson.  AGAINST: Karl Bickham, Susanne Jones, Holly James and Harold Smith. The vote being FIVE (5) FOR and FOUR (4) AGAINST, the motion carried.


            Agenda Item #13 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Title I 1998 supplemental allocation (T. J. Butler, Jr.).


            T. J. Butler, Supervisor, Federally Assisted Programs, presented Plan A and Plan B for board consideration.  Board Member Holly James offered an additional plan (Plan C) for board consideration.  It was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board approve Plan A, as follows:


                                    %FREE &         #FREE &          AMT. PER         AMT. PER

SCHOOL                       REDUCED        REDUCED        CHILD               SCHOOL

Varnado Elem.               100%                144                   $40.00              $   5,760.00

Varnado High                 100%                235                   $40.00              $   9,400.00

Wesley Ray                  98.3%               283                   $40.00              $ 11,320.00

Angie Jr. High                93.1%               246                   $40.00              $   9,840.00

Thomas Jr. High             90.2%               377                   $40.00              $ 15,080.00

Franklinton Primary        89.6%               423                   $20.00              $   8,460.00

Franklinton Elem.           86.9%               360                   $20.00              $   7,200.00

Pine                              85.3%               558                   $20.00              $ 11,160.00

Mt. Hermon                   80.5%               445                   $20.00              $   8,900.00

Franklinton Jr. High        74.0%               370                   $  5.00              $   1,850.00

Enon Elem.                   71.6%               205                   $  5.00              $   1,025.00

Franklinton High             58.4%              (412)                 BALANCE         $        73.29



FOR: Freddie Jefferson, Bruce Brown, Richard N. Thomas, and Hayward Boone. AGAINST: Karl Bickham, Juanita Barker, Holly James, Susanne Jones, and Harold Smith.  The vote being FOUR (4) FOR and FIVE (5) AGAINST, the motion failed.


            It was moved by Holly James, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board approve Plan C, as follows:


                                    %FREE &         #FREE &          AMT. PER         AMT. PER

SCHOOL                       REDUCED        REDUCED        CHILD               SCHOOL

Varnado Elem.               100%                144                   $30.00              $   4,320.00

Varnado High                 100%                235                   $30.00              $   7,050.00

Wesley Ray                  98.3%               283                   $30.00              $   8,490.00

Angie                            93.1%               246                   $30.00              $   7,380.00

Thomas Jr. High             90.2%               377                   $30.00              $ 11,310.00

Franklinton Primary        89.6%               423                   $25.00              $ 10,575.00

Franklinton Elem.           86.9%               360                   $25.00              $   9,000.00

Pine                              85.3%               558                   $25.00              $ 14,625.00

Mt. Hermon                   80.5%               445                   $25.00              $ 11,125.00

Franklinton Jr. High        74.0%               370                   $20.00              $   7,400.00

Enon Elem.                   71.6%               205                   $20.00              $   4,100.00

Franklinton High            58.4%               (412)                 BALANCE         $   5,348.00



FOR: Holly James, Karl Bickham, Juanita Barker, Susanne Jones, and Harold Smith. AGAINST: Hayward Boone, Richard N. Thomas, Bruce Brown, and Freddie Jefferson. The vote being FIVE (5) FOR and FOUR (4) AGAINST, the motion carried. 


            Agenda Item #14 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel and Transportation Adjustments (Richard Kennedy).


            It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the following item be added to the agenda: Consider a motion to hire a new teacher at Pine School to relieve an overload in first grade classes.  FOR: Freddie Jefferson, Bruce Brown, Richard N. Thomas, Hayward Boone and Juanita Barker.  AGAINST: Karl Bickham, Holly James, Susanne Jones and Harold Smith.  The vote being FIVE (5) FOR and FOUR (4) AGAINST, the motion carried.


            It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board hire a new teacher at Pine School to relieve an overload in first grade classes.  FOR: Freddie Jefferson, Bruce Brown, Richard N. Thomas, Hayward Boone and Juanita Barker.  AGAINST: Karl Bickham, Holly James, Susanne Jones and Harold Smith.  The vote being FIVE (5) FOR and FOUR (4) AGAINST, the motion carried.


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board approve the following Personnel and Transportation Adjustments, as recommended by Richard Kennedy, Assistant Superintendent:






Special Education Department:   Shone McNeese, Bus Attendant, Resignation effective September 22, 1997.




Franklinton Primary School: Debra Lee, Regular Teacher, Cancel Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation granted for the 1997/98 school year.  Effective date of cancellation: September 26, 1997.




Franklinton Schools: Transfer Douglas Talley, Bus Operator, TO Ronald Sharp’s bus route effective September 29, 1997.


Debra Lee, Regular Teacher, Franklinton Primary School, TO Louisiana Reading Initiative Early Literacy Master Teacher (Resource-Helping Teacher) - Parishwide, effective September 29, 1997, and for the remainder of the 1997/98 school year only.


Nancy Cox, Regular Teacher, Franklinton Elementary School, TO Louisiana Reading Initiative Early Literacy Master Teacher (Resource-Helping Teacher) -Parishwide, effective September 29, 1997, and for the remainder of the 1997/98 school year only.




FRANKLINTON SCHOOLS:  Extend the route of Mary Simmons 7.450 miles (A.M. only) to pick up a Special Education student. Effective date: September 16, 1997.


THOMAS JR. HIGH SCHOOL:    Extend the route of Barbara Sumrall .6 mile one way to pick up Justin Clements, son of Chris Wright. Effective date: September 17, 1997.


FOR: Karl Bickham, Holly James, Susanne Jones, Hayward Boone, Harold Smith, Richard N. Thomas, Bruce Brown and Freddie Jefferson.  AGAINST: Juanita Barker. Motion carried.


            Agenda Item #15 - Superintendent’s Report.


            Superintendent Fowler reported that work at Varnado High School is progressing well.


            Agenda Item #16 - Other business from board members.


            Juanita Barker asked if progress has been made on the study regarding salary discrepancies.  Superintendent Fowler responded that a committee has been formed and information from other systems is being obtained.


            Agenda Item #17 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


            It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.