Franklinton, Louisiana

June 12, 1997

6:30 P.M.


            The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: President Harold Smith, Karl Bickham, Juanita Barker, Holly James, Susanne Jones, Hayward Boone, Richard N. Thomas, Bruce Brown, and Freddie Jefferson.  Absent: None.


            Agenda Item #1 - Call to order.


            The meeting was called to order by President Smith.  He welcomed guests and news media present.


            Agenda Item #2 - Invocation.


            The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.


            Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance.


            Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the May 29, 1997, regular board meeting.


            It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board adopt the minutes of the May 29, 1997, regular board meeting, as submitted to each board member.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #5 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the June 5, 1997, special board meeting.


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Karl Bickham, that the Board adopt the minutes of the June 5, 1997, special board meeting, as submitted to each board member.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #6 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bids received for the purchase of Tractor with Canopy and Rear-Mount Grooming Mower for Franklinton Vocational Center and Franklinton Primary School (Robert A. Johnson).


            Robert Johnson, Supervisor, reviewed the bids received, which were as follows:


Smith & Smith, Inc., Franklinton, LA - $16,025.00; Singleton Sales & Service, Franklinton, LA - $12,850.00 (did not meet specifications); Chauvin Bros. Ford New Holland, Amite, LA - $16,325.00.  Upon the recommendation of Robert Johnson, it was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board award the contract for the purchase of Tractor with Canopy and Rear-Mount Grooming Mower for Franklinton Vocational Center and Franklinton Primary School to Smith & Smith, Inc., in the amount of $16,025.00.  Motion carried unanimously.  The low bid submitted by Singleton Sales & Service did not meet specifications.


            Agenda Item #7 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bids received for the purchase of School Supplies for the 1997/98 school year (Adren Raybourn).


            Following review and recommendation by Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, it was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board award contracts for the purchase of School Supplies for the 1997/98 school year as follows: Venable Office Equipment, Kentwood, LA - $662.00; Prairie Carbon & Ribbon, Larrabee, Iowa - $1,431.05; Carolina Ribbon/Corporate Express, Greensboro, North Carolina -$2,366.40; Unisource, Baton Rouge, LA - $16,677.50, for a total of $21,136.95.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #8 -Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Student Accident Insurance for the 1997/98 fiscal year (Adren Raybourn).


            John Norris, Insurance Consultant, reviewed proposals/quotes received from several insurance companies on student accident insurance for the 1997/98 school year.  It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board award the contract for student insurance for the 1997/98 school year to Mega Life Insurance Co. (Plan name: Hi Option).  Motion carried unanimously.


            Mr. Norris, also, discussed the Board’s property and casualty insurance, which will be up for renewal in October.  It was moved by Holly James, seconded by Susanne Jones, that consideration of this item be added to the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.  Upon Mr. Norris’ recommendation, it was moved by Holly James, seconded by Juanita Barker, that the Board authorize John Norris to contact the insurance company and negotiate renewal of property and casualty insurance and, if possible, at the same rate as present. Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #9 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the proposed 1997 tax levy (Adren Raybourn).


            Following review by Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, it was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Holly James, that the Board levy the following ad valorem tax for Mt. Hermon School District for debt service for the year 1997: 22.0 Mills.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Following review by Adren Raybourn, it was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Holly James, that the Board levy the following ad valorem tax for Franklinton/Enon School District for debt service for the year 1997: 25.0 Mills.  Motion carried unanimously.

            Following review by Adren Raybourn, it was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board levy the following ad valorem tax - District Wide for General Fund - for the year 1997 as follows: Constitutional Tax - 3.91 Mills; General Operational Tax - 5.12 Mills; General Maintenance & Operational Tax - 5.12 Mills; General Maintenance & Operational Tax - 4.83 Mills.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Following review by Adren Raybourn, it was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Juanita Barker, that the Board levy the following ad valorem tax for Angie District Maintenance Tax for the year 1997 as follows: 5.12 Mills.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #10 - Consider a motion to approve an expenditure in excess of $2,000.00 for replacement of carpet in three (3) classrooms at Mt. Hermon School (Alan Graham).


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Juanita Barker, that the Board approve an expenditure of $2,668.08 for replacement of carpet in three (3) classrooms at Mt. Hermon School.  Motion carried unanimously.  Kennedy’s Decorating submitted the low quote of $2,668.08.


            It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Susanne Jones, that consideration of maintenance/repair of lean-to on one side of the gym at Mt. Hermon School be added to the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.  It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board approve an expenditure of $1,916.16 for maintenance/repair of lean-to on one side of the gym at Mt. Hermon School.  Motion carried unanimously.  Pine Hardware submitted the low quote of $1,916.16.


            Agenda Item #11 - Consider a motion to approve an expenditure in excess of $2,000.00 for new roof for Varnado High School football field house (Emma Ross).

            Superintendent Fowler stated this item was deleted from the agenda, since the work will amount to less than $2,000.00.


            Agenda Item #12 - Consider a motion to set summer work schedule for twelve-month employees (Dennie Fowler).


            Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Fowler, it was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board set summer work hours for twelve-month employees as follows: June 16, 1997, through July 25, 1997 - 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday, with all schools and the central office closed on Friday. FOR: Karl Bickham, Juanita Barker, Holly James, Susanne Jones, Hayward Boone, Harold Smith, Bruce Brown, and Freddie Jefferson.  AGAINST: None.  ABSTENTION: Richard N. Thomas.  Motion carried.


            Agenda Item #13 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel Adjustments (Richard Kennedy).


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board approve the following Personnel Adjustments, as recommended by Richard Kennedy, Assistant Superintendent:






Wesley Ray Elementary School: Rebecca Lee, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective May 30, 1997.


Varnado Elementary School: Melodysee Peters, Bus Operator, Resignation effective June 30, 1997.




Central Office: S. Dale Varnado, Coordinator, Testing & Evaluation Program, Retirement Resignation effective July 31, 1997.




Janice Pigott, Regular Teacher, Wesley Ray Elementary School, TO Title I In-School Suspension Teacher, Wesley Ray Elementary School, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year.




Parishwide: Jerry Kennedy, Homebound Teacher, Waive requirement to return following sabbatical leave - Spring semester of 1996/97 school year (Resignation effective May 30, 1997, approved at May 29, 1997, board meeting).




Enon Elementary School: Jeanie Bryant, Regular Teacher, effective the 1997/98 school year only - CERTIFIED (fill-in for Sandra Stafford, who will be on sabbatical leave).


Enon Elementary School: Amy Emmons, Regular Teacher, effective the 1997/98 school year only - CERTIFIED (fill-in for Cindy Pace, who will be on sabbatical leave).


Enon Elementary School: Ann Spears, Regular Teacher, effective the 1997/98 school year only - CERTIFIED (fill-in for Jeannie Tate, who will be on sabbatical leave).

Enon Elementary School: Dinah Corkern, Special Education Teacher, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year - CERTIFIED.


Franklinton Jr. High School: Maggie S. Alvear, Regular Teacher, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year - CERTIFIED (Replacing Ray St. Pierre).


Franklinton Jr. High School: Sonya Angelo, Regular Teacher, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year - CERTIFIED (Replacing Bassett/McGuire).


Pine School:      Anita Schilling, Regular Teacher, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year - CERTIFIED.


Varnado Elementary School: Candace Marie Spears, Regular Teacher, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year - CERTIFIED (Replacing Susan Corkern).


Wesley Ray Elementary School: Virginia L. Graves, Regular Teacher, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year - CERTIFIED (Replacing Janice Pigott).


Wesley Ray Elementary School: Tiffany Hughes, Regular Teacher, effective the beginning of the 1997/98 school year - CERTIFIED (Replacing Rebecca Lee).


SPECIAL EDUCATION AIDES:                           TITLE I AIDES:

(Effective the beginning of the                              (Effective the beginning of the

1997/98 school year)                                          1997/98 school year)


Angie Jr. High School                             Angie Jr. High School

            Leona Bickham                                      Tonya Steadman

            Tanula Owens                                        Alice Terrell


Enon Elementary School                        Enon Elementary School

            Debra Byrd                                            Linda B. Jones

            Barbara Williams

                                                                        Franklinton Primary School

Franklinton Primary School                     Francis W. Robinson

            Debra E. Berry                                       Alice Dillon

            Thelma Bryant

            Cynthia Dyson                                       Franklinton Jr. High School

            Peggy Fisher                                         Merile N. Cooke

            Maxie James

            Loralee J. McClendon                             Pine School

            Ola Mae Magee                                     Doris R. Holmes

            Evelyn Ratcliff

            Shirley Williams                                     Thomas Jr. High School

                                                                        Donna Sue Adams

Franklinton Elementary School                Nelline Barber

            Tama Blanchard

            Linda Gayle Corkern                               Varnado Elementary School

            Jo Ann Maxwell                                     Mary Williams


Franklinton Jr. High School                     Varnado High School

            Patricia Archote                                     Shirley Davis

            Sherry Warren

            Debra Guthrie                                        Wesley Ray Elementary School

            Rhonda Perea                                        Kathy Graham


Franklinton High School                          Mt. Hermon School

            Jacqueline R. Martin                               Rebecca Foley (Preschool)

            Joyce H. Parker

            Madis Russell                                        Thomas Jr. High School

            Vikki Taylor                                           Valerie Penton (Preschool)

            Anita Thomas

            Elizabeth D. Wood                                 Varnado Elementary School

                                                                        Barbara Saucier (Preschool)

Mt. Hermon School

            Alice Brumfield                                      Wesley Ray Elementary School

            Seleria Jones                                         Cynthia Sheridan (Preschool)

            Lorraine C. Williams

            Gretchen Witkowski                               PRESCHOOL STARTING POINTS AIDES:

                                                                        (Effective the beginning of the 1997/98

Pine School                                                       school year)

            LaChrisa Carnegie

            Geraldine Jefferson                                 Enon Elementary School

            Joannie Jefferson                                   Louvenia Jenkins

            Darlene Nichols                                                

                                                                        Pine School

Thomas Jr. High School                          Barbara Gerald

            Pamela Gerald

            Penny Kennedy

            Lawana Stevens

            Joetta Thomas


Varnado Elementary School

            Helen Peters


Varnado High School

            Edna Earl Bickham

            Mary Moses

            Haley O’Quin

            Patricia Seal

            Mary L. Smith


Wesley Ray Elementary School

            Barbara Harris

            Felicia Y. Harry

            Sylvia Harry

            Janet S. Magee

            Dorothy Moses

            Vernadine Roberts

            Nancy Stafford


Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #14 - Superintendent’s Report.


            A.         Superintendent Fowler informed the Board that, according to an Attorney General’s Opinion, school boards are required to pay for medical exams for temporary and substitute bus operators.


            B.         At the request of Superintendent Fowler, it was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that consideration of authorization for President Harold Smith to sign the contract with Brunt Construction Co. be added to the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.  It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board authorize President Harold Smith to sign the contract with Brunt Construction, Inc., Independence, LA, for construction of classroom/administrative wing and cafeteria building at Varnado High School.  Motion carried unanimously.


            C.         Superintendent Fowler reported that plans for the in-school suspension program are progressing, and cost factors will be discussed at the next committee meeting.


            Agenda Item #15 - Other business from board members.


            A.         Susanne Jones requested that Anthony Triola, Supervisor of Transportation, notify substitute bus operators that the Board will pay for their medical exams.


            B.         Holly James requested that discussion be held at the next committee meeting regarding computer lab aides at the schools.


            Agenda Item #16 - Consider a motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of the Superintendent’s Evaluation (Harold Smith).


            It was moved by Holly James, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board table this item until the June 26, 1997, board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #17 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.