Franklinton, Louisiana

April 29, 1993

6:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: President Bob D. Bateman, Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Jr., Harold Smith, Bringier H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Richard N. Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. Absent: None. The meeting was called to order by President Bateman. Invocation was given by John Dawsey. President Bateman welcomed the news media, Assistant District Attorney William J. Burris, representing School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn who was out of town, and guests.


It was moved by John Dawsey, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board adopt the minutes of the April 15, 1993, board meeting as submitted to each board member. Motion carried unanimously.


According to Superintendent Brown, Act 1081 of the 1990 Legislative Session provides for the selection of an outstanding non-instructional school employee from the elementary, middle/junior, and high schools in each school system. Superintendent Brown reviewed the State guidelines for the program and informed the Board that a committee composed of Superintendent Brown, Freddie Jefferson, Anthony Triola, Cynthia August, T. J. Butler, Jr., and Adren Raybourn selected the three (3) parish winners from the school level nominations submitted by the principals. The following individuals were recognized by the Board and presented with plaques:


Michael Dillon, Custodian, Franklinton Primary School Outstanding Non-Instructional Employee - Elementary Level Introduced by Mrs. Eathel Brock, Principal


Mrs. Freda Welch, School Clerk, Franklinton Jr. High School Outstanding Non-Instructional Employee - Junior High Level Introduced by Ms. Beverly Young, Principal


Mrs. Carolyn Kelly, School Clerk, Varnado High School Outstanding Non-Instructional Employee - Senior High Level Introduced by Hayward Boone, Principal


On behalf of the Board, President Bateman congratulated the 1992-93 ONE Award winners.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown and Mrs. Jackie Smith, School Food Service Supervisor, it was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board award contracts for the purchase of Cafeteria Equipment to the following vendors: Buckelew's, Baton Rouge, LA - $11,652.00, and Hotel and Restaurant Supply, Jackson, MS -$3,194.00, for a total of $14,846.00. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board approve the following Personnel Adjustments as presented by Dr. Guy Schilling, Assistant Superintendent:






Thomas Jr. High School:  Jessie Dillon, Janitor, Disability Retirement Resignation effective December 22, 1992.




Franklinton Primary School:  Pauline Hart, Special Education Paraprofessional, Leave Without Pay effective the entire 1993-94 school year.


Mt. Hermon School:  Wesley M. Schilling, Lunchroom Technician, Extended Sick Leave effective April 1, 1993, through

May 31, 1993 (38 days).




Adult Education:  Patricia A. Kemp, Part-time Project Independence (Adult Education) Paraprofessional effective May 3, 1993, through  June 30, 1993.


Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Jimmie Corkern, that the Board proclaim May 5, 1993, as National Teachers Day in honor and support of the teachers in the Washington Parish School System. Motion carried unanimously.


Superintendent Brown reminded the Board of action taken several months ago banning the use of booksacks by students in grades 7 - 12 effective the 1993-94 school year.


Superintendent Brown announced that the Washington Parish Special Education Department is sponsoring an inservice for parents of babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and all school age children on May 3, 1993, at Wesley Ray Resource Center, and May 4, 1993, at Franklinton Primary School Auditorium. The inservice is being coordinated by Madelynn Gill, LPN, Special Education School Nurse.


On motion by B. H. Barker, seconded by Harold Smith, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.