The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: President Harold Smith, Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Jr., Susanne Jones, Bringier H. Barker, Bob D. Bateman, and Richard N., Thomas. Absent: None.
Assistant District Attorney Wayne Kuhn administered the Oath of Office to Elaine Whaley, District 3.
The meeting was called to order by President Smith. Invocation was given by Freddie Jefferson. President Smith welcomed the news media, School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn, and guests.
It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board adopt the minutes of the December 10, 1992, board meeting, as submitted to each board member. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Jimmie Corkern, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board adopt the minutes of the December 21, 1992, special board meeting, as submitted to each board member. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Jimmie Corkern, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board take an agenda item out of order. Motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Guy Schilling, Assistant Superintendent, assisted by Principals Michael Henley, Franklinton High School, Beverly Young, Franklinton Jr. High School, and Karen Spears, Franklinton Elementary School, presented Washington Parish Outstanding Teacher Awards to the following teachers:
Outstanding High School Teacher - Pamela Richardson, Franklinton High School
Outstanding Junior High School Teacher - Maggie Alvear, Franklinton Jr. High School
Outstanding Elementary School Teacher - Melanie Kennedy, Franklinton Elementary School
Mrs. Kennedy was, also, presented an award for Regional Teacher of the Year and a certificate from the State Department of Education for being a State Finalist. Dr. Schilling and the Board commended these teachers on the outstanding work they are doing in their classrooms.
President Smith opened the floor for nominations for President of the Board to serve for the next two (2) years. Susanne Jones nominated Bob Bateman. It was moved by B. H. Barker that nominations be closed. FOR: Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Susanne Jones, B. H. Barker, Harold Smith, Richard N. Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. AGAINST: None. ABSTAINING: Bob Bateman. Motion carried, and Bob Bateman was declared President of the Board.
The floor was then opened for nominations for Vice-President of the Board to serve for the next two (2) years. John Dawsey nominated Susanne Jones. It was moved by Bob Bateman that nominations be closed. FOR: Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, B. H. Barker, Bob Bateman, Harold Smith, Richard N. Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. AGAINST: None: ABSTAINING: Susanne Jones. Motion carried, and Susanne Jones was declared VicePresident of the Board.
Newly-elected President Bob Bateman requested that out-going President Smith conduct the remainder of the meeting.
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Richard Thomas, that the Board approve the following Personnel and Transportation Adjustments, as presented by Dr. Guy Schilling, Assistant Superintendent:
Franklinton Elementary School: Sharon F. Lambremont, Regular Teacher, Retirement Resignation effective January 13, 1993.
Franklinton Schools: Benny P. Tate, Bus Operator, Extend Sick Leave effective November 30, 1992, through February 8, 1993 (40 days).
Franklinton Primary School: Eugenia M. Magee, Chapter I Tutor, Extend Leave Without Pay effective January 14, 1993, and for the remainder of the 1992-93 school year.
Franklinton Elementary School: Lisa Lee, Regular Teacher, effective the Spring semester of the 1992-93 school year only (replacing Sharon Lambremont who is retiring).
Franklinton High School: Vickki Bickham, Special Education Paraprofessional, effective January 4, 1993, and for the remainder of the 1992-93 school year only (replacing Woody Watson who resigned).
Varnado High School: Jessie J. Davis, Food Service Technician, effective January 18, 1993 (replacing Earline Sumrall who has retired).
Angie Jr. High School: Extend the route of Gladys Breland 6.6 miles one way to pick up child of George Jones. Effective date: January 5, 1993.
Franklinton Schools: Extend the route of Etta Magee 2.0 miles one way to pick up children of Karen Powell. Effective date: November 20, 1992.
Extend the route of Hazel Garrett .6 mile one way to pick up child of Renee Pitzer. Effective date: January 5, 1993.
Extend the route of Hazel Garrett 1.3 miles one way to pick up child of Michael Ransom. Effective date: January 5, 1993.
Deduct .8 mile one way from route of Norman McCain, Jr., due to students moving off route. Effective date: January 4, 1993.
Extend the route of Norman McCain, Jr., 1.1 miles one way to pick up child of Lorri Caves. Effective date: December 9, 1992.
Franklinton Schools: Extend the route of Norman McCain, Jr., 1.1 miles one way to pick up child of Lloyd Chappetta. Effective date: October 1, 1992.
Extend the route of Mary A. Simmons .5 mile one way due to detour (bridge out on Mike Fisher Road). Effective date: December 1, 1992.
Deduct 19.0 miles one way from the route of Mary A. Simmons due to re-opening of bridge. Effective date: November 20, 1992.
Thomas Jr. High School: Extend the route of Ottis Barber 1.2 miles one way to pick up children of Wendall Vince. Effective date: November 30, 1992.
Varnado High School: Extend the route of Opal Boone .3 mile one way to pick up child of Emeal Mohon. Effective date: October 13, 1992.
Extend the route of Opal Boone .4 mile one way to pick up child of Barbara Harris. Effective date: November 4, 1992.
Extend the route of Opal Boone 1.3 miles one way to pick up child of Edward Allman. Effective date: November 12, 1992.
Mt. Hermon School: Extend the route of Albert Lebo .8 mile one way to pick up child of Myra Kennedy. Effective date: October 16, 1992.
Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Jimmie Corkern, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board authorize advertisement for bids for the purchase of a new computer system for the central office. Motion carried unanimously. Advertising dates will be January 20 and 27, 1993, and bids will be received until February 11, 1993.
It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board authorize advertisement for the receiving of proposals to audit the financial statements for fiscal year ending June 30, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. Advertising dates will be January 20 & 27, 1993, and bids will be received until February 11, 1993.
Upon the recommendation of Director of Finance Adren Raybourn, it was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board approve the following allocation to schools for the 1992-93 fiscal year operating budgets:
School Total Per Pupil Adjustment Net Allocation
Angie $ 11,410.00 $ 11,410.00
Enon 8,540.00 8,540.00
Franklinton Primary 18,900.00 18,900.00
Franklinton Elementary 17,220.00 17,220.00
Franklinton Jr. High 19,530.00 19,530.00
Franklinton High 26,820.00 26,820.00
Mt. Hermon 22,140.00 22,140.00
Pine 23,235.00 - $ 1,854.47 21,380.53
Thomas 14,840.00 - 3,463.36 11,376.64
Varnado Elementary 7,000.00 7,000.00
Varnado High 11,925.00 - 2,588.73 9,336.27
Wesley Ray 13,545.00 - 2,000.00 11,545.00
$ 195,105.00 - $ 9,906.56 $ 185,198.44
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Raybourn informed the Board of the correct procedure to be used in reporting bus operating expense allowance to the Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service recently released a written directive which requires that the operational reimbursements be placed on the W-2's in Box 10 as other income and that these payments be subject to income tax withholding and other applicable taxes. Therefore, effective January 1,
1993, the Washington Parish School Board will adhere to that directive and will withhold income taxes from the operational allowance.
It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board approve a Special Education FY 92-93 IDEA Budget revision. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board support a Proclamation by Governor Edwin W. Edwards designating January 27, 1993, as School Nurse Day in Louisiana. Motion carried unanimously.
At the request of Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, it was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board authorize the Director of Finance or the Chief Accountant or the Superintendent to execute stop payments on School Board accounts, and that all prior authority for execution of stop payments be rescinded. Motion carried unanimously.
At the request of Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded John Dawsey, that the Board authorize Bob D. Bateman, President, and Earle R. Brown, Superintendent, to withdraw Washington Parish School Board funds held by Fiscal Agent, and that this authorization supersedes prior authorizations granting withdrawal authority an School Board accounts. Motion carried unanimously.
Bob Bateman thanked the board members for the opportunity to serve as President for the next two years and expressed hope that the positive things occurring in our system will continue. Harold Smith thanked the board members for allowing him to serve as President.
It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board go out of Executive Session. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Jimmie Corkern, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that Superintendent Earle Brown's contract be extended for the period beginning July 1, 1993, and ending December 31, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. (Superintendent Brown's current contract ends June 30, 1993.)
On motion by Bob Bateman, seconded by B. H. Barker, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.