Franklinton, Louisiana

May 14, 1992

6:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: President Harold Smith, Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Jr., Susanne Jones, Bringier H. Barker, Bob D. Bateman, Richard N. Thomas, and Joe Whaley. Absent: None. The meeting was called to order by President Smith. Invocation was given by John Dawsey. President Smith welcomed the news media, School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn, and guests.


It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Joe Whaley, that the Board adopt the minutes of the April 30, 1992, board meeting, as submitted to each board member. Motion carried unanimously.


Mrs. Mary M. Jones, Supervisor, and Mrs. Anita Wood, President, Washington Parish Reading Association, recognized the following State winners in the Young Authors Contest:


First Place:                      Lindsey Bickham - Franklinton Primary School

                                        Jason Bankston - Pine School

                                        Barrett Fussell - Franklinton Primary School

                                        Brad Chattalier - Pine School


Second Place:                   Ryan Payne - Franklinton Primary School

                                          Victor Partman - Thomas Jr. High School

                                          Kenyardy Jefferson - Varnado High School

                                          Joey Hines Franklinton Primary School

                                          Blake Flynn Enon Elementary School


Third Place:                      Robert Graves Thomas Jr. High School Donnie Turnage - Thomas Jr. High School


Two (2) First Place winners unable to attend were Brandon Grace - Franklinton High School, and Charles Connerly -Franklinton High School. Mrs. Jones thanked Mr. Dennie Fowler, Principal, and the Mt. Hermon cafeteria workers for the delicious refreshments served prior to the board meeting at the reception honoring the winners, parents, teachers, and administrators.


Mrs. Kay Bell, Talented Art Teacher at Pine School, recognized two (2) of her art students, as follows:


1. Jason Netto-Third Place in National Contest sponsored by NASCO Art Supply


2. Christi Kemp -State Literary Rally Winner and designer for the 1992 Washington Parish Fair Catalog cover.


The Board congratulated all these students for their accomplishments.


It was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by Sue Jones, that the Board open and consider bids received for the purchase of School Supplies for the 1992-93 school year. Motion carried unanimously. President Smith opened bids from the following vendors: The Era-Leader, Franklinton, LA; Media for Education, Inc., Alexandria, LA; Louisiana Teachers Supply, Inc., West Monroe, LA; Venable Office Equipment, Kentwood, LA; Home Oil Co., Inc., Wichita, Kansas; Delta Printing Co., Inc., Bogalusa, LA; Carolina Ribbon, Greensboro, NC. Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by Sue Jones, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board take the bids under advisement until the May 28, 1992, board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Bob Bateman, that the Board approve the Special Education 1992 Extended School Year Program Budget. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by Sue Jones, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board approve the Special Education LEA FY 93 Application, including the IDEA Budget. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Joe Whaley, that the Board approve the 1992-93 Special Education Pre-School Budget. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by Sue Jones, that the Board approve the Special Education 1993 Extended School Year Program Budget. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of T. J. Butler, Jr., Supervisor, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Richard Thomas, that the Board approve the ESEA Chapter I Revised Budget F/Y 1991-92. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of T. J. Butler, Jr., it was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by Richard Thomas, that the Board approve the ESEA Chapter II Revised Budget F/Y 1991-92. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of T. J. Butler, Jr., it was moved by Sue Jones, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board approve the EESA Title II Revised Budget F/Y 1991-92. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Freddie Jefferson, Supervisor, it was moved by Jimmie Corkern, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board accept high quotations received for the sale of canning center equipment at Enon Elementary School, as follows:


                     Item           Item Name                                               Bidder                                    Amount

                        1             CLAIMED BY SCHOOL

                        2             Stainless Steel Table                                  Robert Fornea                    $      151.00

                        3             Stainless Steel Cutting Table                      Robert Fornea                            251.00

                        4             CLAIMED BY SCHOOL


                         5            Telfor Top                                                  Robert Fornea                              150.00

                         6            Pea Sheller                                                Pam Stafford                                727.00

                         7            Electric Meat Saw                                      Sonya Magee                              102.00

                         8            Electric Meat Saw                                      Angie Sunflower #2                       552.95

                         9            Meat Tenderizer                                         Bruce Crain                                   76.00

                       10            Table Scales                                              NO BID

                       11            CLAIMED BY SCHOOL

                       12            Stainless Steel Table                                  Robert Fornea                              150.00

                       13            Cook Stove                                                Bruce Crain                                   15.00

                       14            Wall Scales                                               Robert Fornea                              125.00

                       15            Walk-In Cooler (No Compressor)                  David Ladner                                101.00

                       16            Walk-In Cooler/Quick Freeze)                      Robert Fornea                           2,153.53

                       17            Meat Grinder with Table                              Robert Fornea                              525.00

                       18            Smoke House                                            NO BID

                       19            CLAIMED BY SCHOOL

                       20            Portable Pea Sheller                                   NO BID

                       91                                                                            Bruce Crain                                   35.00

                                       Meat Grinder

                       22            Gas Hot Water Heater                                NO BID

                       23            CLAIMED BY SCHOOL

                                                                                                    TOTAL AMOUNT                        $ 5,114.48


Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Jimmie Corkern, that the Board authorize Mr. Jefferson to negotiate the sale of unsold items in the best interest of the Board. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by Joe Whaley, that the Board appoint The Era-Leader as Official Journal for the period July 1, 1992, through June 30, 1993.


Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by Sue Jones, that the Board accept Superintendent Brown's recommendation and employ Clare E. "Beth" Fussell as Chief Accountant and operations Manager effective June 1, 1992. Motion carried unanimously.


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Brown, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Joe Whaley, that the Board approve the following Personnel and Transportation Adjustments as presented by Dr. Guy Schilling, Assistant Superintendent:






Franklinton High School:  Sharon Clark, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective May 29, 1992.


Franklinton High School:  Michele C. Louviere, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective May 29, 1992.


Franklinton High School:  Noreen Ribaul, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective May 29, 1992.




Mt. Hermon School:  Dorothy B. Cornist, Regular Teacher, Retirement Resignation effective May 29, 1992.


Wesley Ray Elementary School: Claudia M. Moses, Lunchroom Manager, Retirement Resignation effective May 29, 1992.




Franklinton Primary School:  Amy S. Welsh, Regular Teacher, Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation effective the entire 1992-93 school year.




Enon Elementary School:  Debra L. Byrd, Special Education Paraprofessional, Sick Leave effective May 14, 1992, through May 18, 1992 (3 days), and Extended Sick Leave effective May 19, 1992, through May 29, 1992 (9 days), for a total of 12 days.


Varnado High School:  Kimberly D. Easterling, Regular Teacher, Sick Leave effective April 24, 1992, through April 28, 1992 (3 days), and Extended Sick Leave effective April 29, 1992, through May 29. 1992 (23 days), for a total of      26 days.






Motion carried unanimously.


Relative to an adoption agreement requested by State Employees Group Benefits Program, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Bob Bateman, that the Board accept the recommendation of Attorney Kuhn and enter into negotiations with State Employees Group Benefits Program for coverage, subject to Board approval of final negotiations. Motion carried unanimously. As further recommended by Attorney Kuhn, it was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board authorize Superintendent Brown to file with State Employees Group Benefits Program written objections to the adoption agreement, along with necessary documentation. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by John Dawsey, that Sheriff-Elect Duane Blair be allowed to address the Board. Motion carried unani­mously. Sheriff-Elect Blair expressed several concerns relative to the selection of the Sales/Use Tax Administrator who will serve all Washington Parish Sales/Use Tax Authorities.


Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, presented a comprehensive review of the entire Sales/Use Tax Administrator selection procedure followed by the Washington Parish Sales/Use Tax Centralization Committee. Mr. Raybourn concluded by requesting that the Board accept the recommendation of the Sales/Use Tax Centralization Committee to name City of Bogalusa, whose bid was 2% of gross collections, as Sales/ Use Tax Administrator.


It was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board table Mr. Raybourn's recommendation until the next meeting (May 28, 1992). FOR: Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Sue Jones, B. H. Barker, Bob Bateman, Richard Thomas, and Joe Whaley. OPPOSED: Harold Smith. Motion carried.


The Board heard the following recommendations from Superintendent Brown:


(1)        Reduce requirement for Principalships from Master's Degree plus 30 graduate hours to Master's Degree with certification as Principal, which is the State requirement; and


(2)        Allow the principals' organization, rather than the Washington Parish Association of Educators, to select the two (2) teachers who serve on in-parish selection committees for selection of administrative personnel within the system.


It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Joe Whaley, that the Board allow Ricky Payne, President, Washington Parish Association of Educators, to address the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Payne stated that now is not the proper time to change principalship requirements. The Board should wait until the Thomas Jr. High School principalship vacancy is filled. Further, Washington Parish Association of Educators is the largest teacher organization in the parish, and the organization feels that the two (2) teachers should be chosen by teachers, not principals.


It was moved by Sue Jones, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the requirements for principalship positions remain Master's Degree plus 30 graduate hours. Motion carried unanimously.


Following a withdrawn motion and second by Joe Whaley and B. H. Barker, to continue allowing the WPAE to select the two (2) teachers who serve on the in-parish selection committee, it was moved by Joe Whaley, seconded by Jimmie Corkern, that the Board table this matter until accurate information regarding WPAE membership could be obtained. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board authorize advertisement for the Thomas Jr. High School Principalship, accepting applications May 19, 1992, through May 29, 1992, at 4:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. The board will advertise within the parish and throughout the system. All qualified applicants will be considered even if they are from out-of-parish. Applicants must meet the following qualifications-at time of application:


1.         Hold a valid Type A Louisiana Teaching Certificate


2.         Master's Degree plus 30 hours in a field of education from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning


3.         Certification as "Principal" or "Elementary Principal" or "Secondary Principal"


4.         Applicant must have three (3) years professional education experience during the five (5) year period immediately preceding appointment to principalship.


5.         Applicant must be willing to enter into an employment contract with the School Board for a specified period of between 2 - 4 years. Renewal of such contract will be at the option of the School Board under the provisions of Louisiana Act #988 (1985).


Superintendent Brown announced graduation dates as follows:


May 21, 1992 - Mt. Hermon School and Pine School

May 22, 1992 - Franklinton High School and Varnado High School


It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Joe Whaley, that the Board write a letter of appreciation to Adren Raybourn for his extensive work as Chairman of the Washington Parish Sales/Use Tax Centralization Committee, and to Mr. Joe Burris, Retired Legislative Auditor, and Don Foil, Chief Accountant, St. Tammany Parish School Board, for their expertise in serving as the panel responsible for screening and interviewing the Sales/Use Tax Administrator applicants and making a recommendation to the Sales/Use Tax Centralization Committee. Motion carried unanimously.


On motion by Bob Bateman, seconded by Richard Thomas, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.