The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: Dan Slocum, Bruce Brown, John Breland, Mary Adams, Dewitt Perry, Freddie Jefferson, Alan McCain, Karl Bickham and Matthew Tate. Absent: None.
Agenda Item #1 - Call to order
The meeting was called to order by President Freddie Jefferson. He welcomed School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn, news media and guests.
Agenda Item #2 – Invocation
The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.
Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the February 12, 2009, regular board meeting (Freddie Jefferson).
It was moved by John Breland, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board adopt the minutes of the February 12, 2009, regular board meeting as submitted to each member. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #5 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the March 3, 2009, special board meeting (Freddie Jefferson).
It was moved by John Breland, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board adopt the minutes of the March 3, 2009, special board meeting as submitted to each member. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #6 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an IDEA Budget Revision (Charlotte Fasola).
Upon the recommendation of Charlotte Fasola, Supervisor, it was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board approve the IDEA Budget Revisions as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #7 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Preschool Budget Revision (Charlotte Fasola).
Upon the recommendation of Charlotte Fasola, Supervisor, it was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board approve the Preschool Budget Revisions as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #8 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding quotes received on a 1997 GMC ½ ton Pickup Truck and 1995 GMC ½ ton Pickup Truck (Billy Brignac).
Upon the recommendation of Billy Brignac, Supervisor, it was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board accept the highest bid from Thomas Welch, Franklinton, LA in the amount of $3,027.00 for the purchase of the 1997 GMC ½ ton Pickup Truck. Motion carried unanimously. Two other bids were received. There were no bids on the 1995 GMC ½ ton Pickup Truck, it will be advertised again.
Agenda Item #9 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Reading First Budget Revision (Donna Alonzo).
Upon the recommendation of Donna Alonzo, Chief Accountant, it was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Dan Slocum, that the Board approve the Reading First Budget Revision as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #10 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Special Federal Funds Budget Revision (Donna Alonzo).
Upon the recommendation of Donna Alonzo, Chief Accountant, it was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Karl Bickham, that the Board approve the Special Federal Funds Budget Revision as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #11 - Consider a motion to retain Larry Kinlaw for research and grant writing for Pine School (Donna Alonzo).
It was moved by Matthew Tate, seconded by John Breland, that the Board retain Larry Kinlaw for research and grant writing for the Washington Parish School System at a rate of $60/hour. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #12 - Consider a motion to adopt a resolution to authorize the superintendent to sign the Amendment to Investment Agreement (Beth Fussell).
It was moved Matthew Tate, seconded by John Breland, that the Board adopt a resolution to authorize the superintendent to sign the Amendment to Investment Agreement as follows:
To authorize the superintendent to sign the Amendment to Investment Agreement, pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 161 of the 2002 first Extraordinary Session of the Legislature of Louisiana, LA. R.S. 39.99, said Act providing for the investment of Tobacco Money of the School Board in the State Treasury in accordance with the provisions thereof.
Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #13 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding renewals for the Board’s Property Insurance (Beth Fussell).
Upon the recommendation of Tom Hudson, Consultant, it was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Karl Bickham, that the Board renew the Board’s Property Insurance at an approximate cost of $776,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #14 - Consider a motion to authorize advertisement for the sale of surplus equipment from the School Lunch Program (Marsha Newman).
Upon the recommendation of Marsha Newman, Supervisor of School Lunch, it was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board authorize advertisement for the sale of surplus equipment from the School Lunch Program. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #15 - Consider a motion to adopt the 2009/2010 school calendar (Darrell Fairburn).
It was moved by Matthew Tate, seconded by John Breland, that the Board adopt the 2009/2010 school calendar as follows:
August Staff Development August 3, 4 21 18
Staff Development (ALL) August 5
(½ Day Staff Dev. & ½ Day
Tchr. Work Day)
Classes Begin August 6
September Labor Day September 7 21 21
October Washington Parish Fair October 21, 22, 23 19 19
November Educational Conventions November 23, 24, 25, 16 16
Thanksgiving Holidays November 26, 27
December Christmas Holidays December 18 (½ Day) - 31 14 13½
(Dec. 18 - ½ Day Instruct.
& ½ Day Tchr. Work Day (All)
Students dismissed at 12:00)
January New Years Holidays January 1 19 19
Martin Luther King Day January 18
February Mardi Gras February 15, 16 18 18
March Spring Holidays March 29, 30, 31 20 20
April Spring Holidays April 1, 2, 5 19 19
May Staff Development (ALL) May 20 (½ Day Instruct. 15 13½
(½ Day) & ½ Day Staff Dev. [ALL]
Students dismissed at 12:00
Teacher Work Day (ALL) May 21
School Closes May 21
Report Cards Mailed May 21
October 6 1st. Nine Weeks 43 Instructional Days 1st. Semester 87½ Days
December 18 2nd. Nine Weeks 44½ Instructional Days 2nd. Semester 89½ Days
March 9 3rd. Nine Weeks 44 Instructional Days
May 20 4th. Nine Weeks 45½ Instructional Days
NO. OF HOLIDAYS 177 Instructional Days
Labor Day 1 Day 3 Staff Development Days
WP Fair 3 Days 2 Teacher Work Days
Educational Conventions 3 Days 182 Teacher Days
Thanksgiving 2 Days
Christmas/New Year’s 10 Days
Martin Luther King Day 1 Day 177 Instructional Days = 63,720 Minutes
Mardi Gras 2 Days
Spring Holidays 6 Days
Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #16 - Consider a motion to adopt a resolution regarding the opposition to the draft legislation (Darrell Fairburn).
It was moved by Matthew Tate, seconded by Alan McCain that the Board adopt a resolution regarding the opposition to the draft legislation as follows:
WHEREAS, educational issues are a priority for all citizens of Washington Parish; and
WHEREAS, The Washington Parish School Board supports and encourages positive, constructive educational reform; and
WHEREAS, accountability at all levels is an important and necessary component of educational reform and improvement; and
WHEREAS, proposed legislation presently under consideration by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education affecting Louisiana School Boards is of great concern to the Washington Parish School Board; and
WHEREAS, the Washington Parish School Board, in principle, and in part because of the complete lack of clarity and specificity, strongly opposes the draft legislation for the 2009 legislative session presently under consideration by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. The issues include the following proposals:
· Establish term limits for local school board members
· Eliminate salaries and only have per diem with a cap
· Refine the nepotism statue
· Establish a minimum education requirement to qualify for board membership (at least a high school diploma or its equivalent)
· Require a supermajority to terminate superintendents
· Strengthen professional development requirements with consequences for failure to comply
· Authorize superintendents to make appointments and terminations without board approval
· Establish provisions for removal from office for dereliction of duty (Malfeasance in Office) if the Department’s Legal Division determines that such statutory provisions do not currently exist; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Washington Parish School Board does hereby strongly oppose the draft legislation under consideration by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education regarding Louisiana School Boards, as noted above; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution is sent to Honorable Bobby Jindal, Governor, State of Louisiana; Mr. Paul Pastorek, State Superintendent of Schools; Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, Louisiana School Boards Association, the Local Legislative Delegation and the news media.
I, Darrell Fairburn, Secretary of the Washington Parish School Board, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Washington Parish School Board at its regular meeting held on Thursday, March 12, 2009. Whereof witness my signature.
Darrell Fairburn, Secretary
Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #17 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel and Transportation Adjustments (Richard Kennedy).
Upon the recommendation of Richard Kennedy, Personnel Director, it was moved by Matthew Tate, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board adopt the Personnel and Transportation Adjustments as follows:
Franklinton Jr. High School: Sally B. Foy, Regular Teacher, Retirement Resignation effective May 22, 2009.
Pine School District: Linus Magee, Bus Operator, Retirement Resignation effective May 22, 2009.
Varnado School District: Delores Myres, Bus Operator, Retirement Resignation effective May 22, 2009.
Wesley Ray School District: Marie Miley, Bus Attendant, Retirement Resignation effective March 31, 2009.
Enon Elementary School: Jeannie Tate, Regular Teacher, Sabbatical Medical Leave effective the 2009/2010 school year only.
Enon Elementary School: Leslie Westmoreland, Speech Pathologist, Sick Leave/Extended Sick Leave effective March 16, 2009 through May 22, 2009.
Franklinton Jr. High School: Miriam Jo’el Givens, Itinerant Talented Art Teacher, Sick Leave/Extended Sick Leave effective February 16, 2009 through May 22, 2009.
Franklinton Jr. High School: Maggie Alvear, Regular Teacher, Extended Sick Leave effective March 5, 2009 through May 22, 2009.
Enon Elementary School: Teresa Simpson, Speech Pathologist, Employ effective March 23, 2009 through May 22, 2009 (Replacing Leslie Westmoreland).
Franklinton Jr. High School: Marilyn Russell, Talented Art Teacher, Employ effective February 19, 2009 through May 22, 2009. (Fill in for Jo’el Givens).
Franklinton Jr. High School: Pepper VanNorman, Regular Teacher, Employ effective March 10, 2009 through May 22, 2009.
Angie School District: Extend the route of Steve Owens 5.5 miles one way to pick up Brittani Edwards. Effective date: February 18, 2009.
Franklinton School District: Extend the route of Carolyn Fussell 3.5 miles one way to pick up Rena Davis. Effective date: February 25, 2009.
Varnado School District: Extend the route of Patsy Owens 11.1 miles one way to pick up Brandon Edwards and Matthew Easterling. Effective date: February 18, 2009 (afternoon).
Wesley Ray School District: Extend the route of Mecy Kelly 22.8 miles one way to pick up Wesley Caldwell. Effective date: February 9, 2009.
Deduct 22.8 miles one way from the route of Mecy Kelly. Effective date: February 11, 2009.
Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #18 - Superintendent’s Report
Add to the Agenda: It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board discuss and take appropriate action regarding an air conditioner on the School Board owned Special Education bus. Motion carried unanimously. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board accept the low quote from Fred’s Bus Service Center, Metairie, LA in the amount of $4,400.00 for the installation of an air conditioner unit on the School Board owned Special Education bus. Motion carried unanimously. One other quote submitted: Kent-Mitchell Bus Sales and Service, Inc., Hammond, LA - $4,880.00.
Add to the Agenda: It was moved by Mary Adams, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board consider a motion to call a special board meeting on April 28, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. for the evaluation of the Superintendent. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mary Adams, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board call a special board meeting on April 28, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. for the evaluation of the Superintendent. Motion carried unanimously.
Other dates for the Superintendent evaluations:
April 1 Return completed evaluations to Richard Kennedy
April 9 Tabulate evaluations
April 28 Special Meeting
Agenda Item #19 - Other business from board members
Dan Slocum congratulated the basketball teams in the parish for a job well done.
Bruce Brown thanked everyone for their prayers and support during his recent illness.
Freddie Jefferson called a Capital Improvement Committee Meeting on Monday, April 20, 2009 at 5:30 p.m.
Agenda Item #20 - Consider a motion to adjourn.
It was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Freddie Jefferson, President
Darrell Fairburn, Secretary