Washington Parish School Board
User Notice
Section A, School District Organization
Section B, School Board Operations
Section C, General School Administration
Section D, Fiscal Management
Section E, Business Management
Section F, Facility Expansion Program
Section G, Personnel
Section H, Negotiations
Section I, Instructional Program
Section J, Students
JAA, Equal Education Opportunities
JB, Attendance
JBA, Compulsory School Attendance Ages
JBB, Entrance Age
JBC, School Admission
JBCB, Admission of Non-Resident Students
JBCBB, Homeless Children and Youth
JBCC, Student Assignment
JBCD, Student Transfer
JBCE, Public School Choice
JBCF, Unsafe School Choice Option
JBD, Student Absences and Excuses
JBD-R, Absences and Excuses
JBD-E, Validated Check-out Form
JBE, Truancy
JBG, Readmission
JBH, Attendance Reports for Student Drivers
JCA, Civil Rights of Minors
JCAA, Due Process
JCAA-R, Due Process
JCAB, Student Searches
JCABA, Searches-Student's Person
JCD, Student Conduct
JCD-E, Statement of Compliance
JCDA-R, Behavior Code
JCDAA, Student Smoking/Tobacco Use
JCDAB, Dangerous Weapons
JCDAC, Student Alcohol and Drug Use
JCDAD, School Bus Conduct
JCDAE, Electronic Telecommunication Devices
JCDAF, Bullying and Hazing
JCDB, Student Dress Code
JCE, Student Complaints and Grievances
JCE-E, Statement of Student/Parent Grievance
JCEC, Student Demonstrations and Strikes
JCED, Sexual Harassment of Students
JD, Discipline
JDA, Corporal Punishment
JDD, Suspension
JDD-R, Suspension Regulations
JDD-E, Notice of Suspension
JDE, Expulsion
JDE-E, Suspension and Recommendation for Expulsion
JDF, Discipline of Students with Disabilities
JG, Student Welfare
JGB, School Wellness
JGC, Student Health Services
JGCB, Immunizations
JGCC, Student Communicable Diseases
JGCD, Administration of Medication
JGCD-E, Request for Administering Medication at School and Release from Liability
JGCE, Child Abuse
JGCF, Behavioral Health Services for Students
JGFG, Illness and Accidents
JGFH, Student Identification
JGFHA, Student Biometric Information
JH, Student Activities
JHA-R, Activity Fees
JHA-E1, Detailed Ticket/Cash Reconciliation
JHB, Activities Fund Management
JHB-R, School Fund Raising Activities School and Club Accounts
JHC, Student Organizations
JJ, Employment of Students
JM, Student Voter Registration
JQE, Expectant and Parenting Students
JQL, Language Minority Students
JR, Student Records
JS, Student Fees, Fines and Charges
Section K, General Public Relations
Section L, Education Agency Relations
Section M, Relations With Other Education Agencies