The Washington Parish School Board shall require any person attending any school event or school-related function on or off campus to conduct themselves with politeness, decorum, and proper sportsmanship. Any person entering any school campus or School Board property shall be required to conduct himself/herself in accordance with acceptable standards of conduct and show respect for the law and rights of others. Any person who disrupts the orderly educational process while on a school campus or School Board property may be restricted or banned from such property by the Board. In addition, any person, including an adult, who behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner during an athletic or co-curricular event, may be ejected from the event the person is attending and/or be denied admission to other school events for up to a year. Should a person’s conduct while on school property become so disruptive that it threatens the safety of any employee or student, school personnel shall be authorized to notify law enforcement personnel for assistance. The Superintendent shall have the authority to review the circumstances and make the final decision regarding attendance of the individual at any school or school function. Examples of unacceptable conduct include, but are not limited to:
Using vulgar or obscene language or gestures
Possessing or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or illegal substance
Possessing a weapon
Fighting or otherwise striking or threatening another person
Failing to obey the instructions of a security officer or school district employee
Interfering in any way with an athletic or co-curricular event
Engaging in any activity which is disruptive or illegal
Students demonstrating any of the above conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Board policy. Employees exhibiting any of the above conduct may be subject to suspension or termination.
New policy: October 6, 2011
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§14:63, 14:63.3, 14:63.4, 14:122, 14:122.1, 14:122.2, 14:328, 17:81
Board minutes, 10-6-11
Washington Parish School Board