Each school will establish a list of individuals who request employment as day-by-day substitutes.
Each school will hold an in-service at the earliest possible date each semester to prepare substitutes for their responsible roles in the academic program of each school.
School in-services for substitute teachers will provide each substitute information on school policies and procedures, i.e., discipline, daily schedule, duty post and, especially, classroom academic responsibility.
In order to be placed on the list of eligible substitutes, an individual must complete an in-service each year.
Only in extreme manpower shortages are principals permitted to employ substitutes not on approved list.
Individuals seeking to be added to the approved list after the beginning of school can only be added to the list at the beginning of the second semester in-service.
Principals will select from the approved list those substitute teachers who possess the best formal training and whose past performances indicate good leadership and discipline qualities.
Principals will provide opportunities for all substitutes on the approved list to work and be evaluated as to their effectiveness in the classroom.
At the end of each year, all substitutes will be evaluated on the criteria provided by the central office and at least two (2) classroom observations by the principal each year.
Records of formal training and experience must be on file in the principal's office.
Where possible, new applicants for the substitute list (out-of-parish) will have a background check from previous employment as required by State law.
Daily employment of school substitutes will be done by the principal, and if he/she is not available, this responsibility will be handled by the assistant principal.
On occasions when the teachers know they will be absent, they will leave a set of lesson plans with the principal for the substitute to follow.
All substitute teachers must have at least a high school diploma to be considered for work.
Cafeteria Workers
No substitutes will be called when the manager is absent unless it is for an extended period of time. These special cases will be handled through the central office. No one handles the managerial reports when the manager is out.
Each cafeteria will maintain its own substitute list which will be valid for one year after being approved by the School Board. The number of people on the list will be determined by the size of the cafeteria staff and will be as follows:
Franklinton Elementary, Franklinton Jr. High, Franklinton High, and Varnado - three Blacks and three Whites. The remaining schools will have two Blacks and two Whites.
Pine and Mt. Hermon are presently overstaffed by one and shouldn't need a substitute unless two or more workers are out (besides the manager).
A list for substitutes will be established and be racially balanced. No part-time employees will be used as substitutes. When a substitute is needed, the Manager will call the person who is next on the list. A record will be kept giving the name of the person called, how many hours they worked and if they were unavailable or could not be reached at the time at which they were called. (NO SUBSTITUTE IS TO WORK MORE THAN FIVE (5) DAYS BEFORE THE NEXT PERSON IS CALLED.)
Managers will be expected to operate without a substitute when at all possible.
Substitutes must reapply each year by writing the principal a note stating that they wish to remain on the substitute list (this gives an opportunity to get new people on the list - the list is to be submitted to the Board each year).
If a vacancy occurs on the substitute list, it will be filled by the principal and manager from applications on file, after conferring with the Board member(s) in their respective districts.
Revised: March, 2004
Ref: Board minutes, 9-10-87, 2-25-88
Washington Parish School Board