Cf:  EFA





Directions: After reading the Washington Parish School System Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions (policy EFA) please read and fill out the appropriate portions of the following contract completely and legibly. Please return this contract to your teacher or school administrator.



I have read the Acceptable Use Policy. I understand and will abide by the regulations. I understand misuse is unethical and illegal. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and/or disciplinary action will be taken. A signed copy of this document must be on file with the teacher. In the case where the employee is the user, a copy will be on file in the office.

User Name (please print): _________________________________

User Signature: ___________________________________

Date: _____/_____/_____





As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Terms and Conditions of the Washington Parish School System Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and Washington Parish School System has taken available precautions to monitor student access. However, I also recognize it is impossible for Washington Parish School System to restrict all controversial materials, and I will not hold them (WPSS) responsible for the materials acquired on the network. I hereby give my permission for my child to have school use of technology including the Internet.


Parent or Guardian (please print): _____________________________

Signature: ______________________________

Date: _____/_____/_____

Daytime Phone Number: _________________________________

Evening Phone Number: __________________________





___ I give my permission for photos and/or images of my child, captured through video, photo, and digital camera, to be used in connection with Washington Parish School System activities.  I understand that all photos and videos will become property of the Washington Parish System, and will not be used for commercial gain. These recordings will be used in educational and promotional videos, presentations, newsletters, web sites, etc.  I further agree that any additional reproductions may be published and distributed to the general public.  However, it is policy that for web sites, only first names will be used. 


___ I do not give my permission for photos and/or images of my child, captured through video, photo, and digital camera, to be used in connection with Washington Parish School System activities.



Parent or Guardian (please print): ____________________________

Signature: _______________________________

Date: _____/_____/_____


Washington Parish School Board