The Washington Parish School Board shall reimburse employees and School Board members for expenses incurred while on official Board business, within budgetary limitations. Travel expenses shall be limited to those expenses necessarily incurred by employees or Board members in the performance of official responsibilities as may be authorized by the School Board. Reimbursement of expenses shall be based on submission of a properly completed and approved voucher and such supporting receipts as required and in accordance with approved procedures and reimbursement rates. Such expenses may be approved and incurred in line with budgetary allocations for the specific type of expense and approved procedures and rates.
Travel expenses are those authorized expenses incurred while conducting or on official business for the Washington Parish School Board and which are reasonable and customary within the following guidelines:
Mileage - Mileage reimbursement shall be the same as that set by the State of Louisiana.
Meals - Meal reimbursement shall be the same as that set by the State of Louisiana.
In accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, reimbursement made for meals when there is no overnight stay is considered taxable.
Lodging - The reasonable and customary charge made for a motel or hotel for overnight accommodations. A lodging receipt must be furnished along with the expense request for reimbursement. The room amount must be separately categorized from meals, telephone, or other room service charges.
Other Expenses - Allowed - For example: Reimbursement for expenses such as toll fees, parking charges, and tips shall be made. Not allowed - For example: Traffic violation tickets, laundry charges, personal telephone charges, etc.
Travel for Itinerant Teachers, Maintenance Personnel, Nurses, etc.: Travel expense to be allowed only between schools and not from a base school. For example: When beginning a work day, if the schedule calls for reporting to only one school per day, there will be no travel expense allowed. However, if the work schedule calls for reporting to a given school, then to another school or schools during the same work day, then travel expense is allowed for mileage between the schools.
Travel expenses are budgetary items and are controlled by the limitation of the budget.
Revised: April, 2007
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:56, 32:861, 32:862, 32:863, 32:863.1, 32:900
Board minutes, 8-5-76, 4-26-07
Washington Parish School Board