All revenue received by the Washington Parish School District shall be deposited in the official depository of the School Board.


The selection of the official depository(s) of treasury for School District funds shall be in the following manner:


  1. All banks located within the school district shall be notified in writing inviting them to submit their proposal to serve as the official depositories or treasuries of the school district for the next biennium.

  2. The depositories of treasuries selected by the School Board shall protect the school district funds as provided by state law and shall submit necessary data for approval by the School Board.


The School Board shall advertise and administer bids in accordance with statutory requirements in the selection of a depository.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:95, 39:1211, 39:1212, 39:1220


Washington Parish School Board