Cf: CF
The Washington Parish School Board recognizes and directs that Board members and the Superintendent keep their functions clearly in mind -- the Board exercising legislative and judicial functions -- as a Board, the Superintendent serving as the Board's executive officer and its professional advisor. It is equally important that they work together in harmony and good will. A superintendent cannot succeed without the cooperation of the School Board.
The Washington Parish School Board recognizes that it is the responsibility of the Superintendent, with the advice and assistance of his/her staff, to prepare and make recommendations to the Board concerning all important business and professional matters. It further recognizes that the Board may accept, modify, or reject recommendations and call for new ones. After the Washington Parish School Board has formally adopted any policies, plans, or programs for the operation of the schools, it is the responsibility of the Superintendent to put these policies, plans, or programs into effect in complete conformity with the decisions of the Board.
Washington Parish School Board