Franklinton, Louisiana

June 13, 1996

6:30 P.M.


            The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: President Bringier H. Barker, Karl Bickham, Hayward Boone, Holly James, Susanne Jones, Harold Smith, Richard N. Thomas, Bruce Brown, and Freddie Jefferson.  Absent: None.


            Agenda Item #1 - Call to order.


            The meeting was called to order by President Barker.


            Agenda Item #2 - Invocation.


            The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.


            Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance.


            Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was moved to Franklinton Elementary School Auditorium due to the large crowd in attendance.


            Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the May 16, 1996, regular board meeting.


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board adopt the minutes of the May 16, 1996, regular board meeting as submitted to each board member. Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #5 - Presentation by Washington Parish Reading Council (Geraldine Drake, President).


            Mrs. Geraldine Drake reviewed the projects accomplished by the Washington Parish Reading Council this past year.  She then presented to the Board a plaque bearing the names of all past presidents of the council, which will be placed in the School Board Central Office.


            Agenda Item #6 - Consider a motion to approve the Personnel Evaluation revisions for the 1996-97 school year (William Brignac).


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board approve the Personnel Evaluation revisions for the 1996-97 school year. Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #7 - Consider a motion to award contracts for the purchase of School Supplies for the 1996-97 school year (Adren Raybourn).


            Following review and recommendation by Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, it was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board award contracts for the purchase of School Supplies for the 1996-97 school year as follows:


Unisource/New Orleans - $25,049.50 (Duplicating Paper); Prairie Carbon & Ribbon  -$2,080.50 (Thermal Masters); Venable Office Equipment - $1,589.16 (Pencil Sharpeners), for a total of $28,719.16.  Motion carried unanimously.  (See attached).


            Agenda Item #8 - Consider a motion to award contracts for the purchase of Bread and Milk for the School Lunch Program for the 1996-97 school year (Marsha Newman).


            Mrs. Marsha Newman, School Food Service Supervisor, presented milk bid tabulations to the Board, as follows: (See attached), and bread bid tabulations, as follows: (See attached).  Mrs. Newman’s recommendations were as follows:


                        Brown’s Velvet - All « pint Milk - white and chocolate - escalator price

                        Dairy Fresh - « gallon Buttermilk - escalator price

                        Blue Bell Creamery - Ice Cream Products

                        Cotton - Bakery Products


            It was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board accept Mrs. Newman’s recommendations and award bids accordingly.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #9 - Consider a motion to approve Special Education IDEA Budget for the 1996-97 fiscal year (Pamela Williford).


            It was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board approve Special Education IDEA Budget for the 1996-97 fiscal year as recommended by Dr. Pamela Williford, Supervisor of Special Education.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #10 - Consider a motion to approve Special Education Preschool Budget for the 1996-97 fiscal year (Pamela Williford).


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board approve Special Education Preschool Budget for the 1996-97 fiscal year as recommended by Dr. Pamela Williford, Supervisor of Special Education.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #11 - Consider a motion to approve Special Education contract services grant (Pamela Williford).


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board approve Special Education contract services grant as recommended by Dr. Pamela Williford, Supervisor of Special Education.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #12 - Consider a motion to increase travel reimbursement rate from $ .24 per mile to $ .27 per mile (Robert Coleman).


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board increase travel reimbursement rate from $ .24 per mile to $ .27 per mile, effective July 1, 1996, as recommended by Superintendent Robert Coleman.  Motion carried unanimously. Superintendent Coleman stated that a specific amount for travel for each supervisor will be budgeted next fiscal year.


            Agenda Item #13 - Consider a motion to purchase one (1) 24' X 60' trailer from Thomas Mobile Homes for $10,000 (Robert Coleman).


            Superintendent Coleman stated that a committee composed of Richard N. Thomas, Hayward Boone, Freddie Jefferson, Emma Ross and Robert Coleman had located a 24' X 60' trailer at Thomas Mobile Homes in Amite for $10,000.  It was the committee’s decision that the trailer be purchased for use as classroom space at Varnado High School in order to decrease the amount being spent on leased trailers.


            Holly James stated that, since the trailer had already been purchased without Board approval, the correct motion would be to ratify the purchase of the trailer.


            President Barker stated his impression was that the committee would look at the trailer and be authorized to purchase the trailer.  Superintendent Coleman stated this was his impression, also.


            Sue Jones stated that purchases over $10,000 must be bid, according to the State bid law, and that the Board did not authorize this purchase.


            Freddie Jefferson stated he felt the committee’s decision would be supported by the Board and that the Board should go ahead and authorize purchase as stated on the agenda.  It was moved by Freddie Jefferson that the Board purchase one (1) 24' X 60' trailer from Thomas Mobile Homes for $10,000.  The motion was seconded by Hayward Boone, with the provision that the Board look at the trailer and approve it before it is paid for.


            Karl Bickham asked why the Board is advertising today for trailers. Superintendent Coleman replied that it was to get under the 15-day advertising limit.


            Holly James, again, stated that the Board needed to ratify the superintendent’s purchase.  Freddie Jefferson replied that his motion would stand.


            President Barker asked Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn what the penalty was for breaking the bid law.  Mr. Kuhn said that the Board could be cited by the Legislative Auditor.


            Freddie Jefferson stated that the word “ratify” could be added to his motion, thus making his motion, “Ratify the purchase of one (1) 24' X 60' trailer from Thomas Mobile Homes for $10,000.”  Motion carried unanimously.


            Additional discussion was held regarding Harold Smith’s concern of having to pay to have the trailer moved and the deplorable condition, according to Sue Jones, of one of the trailers already on site.


            Harold Smith asked William Brignac, Supervisor of Maintenance, to report on prices of portable buildings in comparison to construction of classrooms.  Mr. Brignac reported that the cost of one (1) 720 sq. ft. classroom in a used trailer would be approximately $5,550.00; the cost of one (1) 720 sq. ft. classroom in a constructed temporary building would be approximately $18,000.00.


            Agenda Item #14 - Consider a motion to advertise for the purchase of two (2) 24' X 60' trailers and one (1) 36' X 60' trailer to accommodate seven (7) classrooms for Varnado High School (Robert Coleman).


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board advertise for the purchase of two (2) 24' X 60' trailers and one (1) 36' X 60' trailer to accommodate seven (7) classrooms for Varnado High School.


            Holly James stated that we already have a second trailer on site.  She asked what would happen if the Board received a better price in the form of a bid.  President Barker replied that the company would have to pick up the trailer.


            The vote on the motion was unanimous.


            Agenda Item #15 - Consider a motion to support the Parent Advisory Committee in their efforts to conduct informative workshops and a telephone survey to identify the support/opposition to school uniforms (Robert Coleman).


            It was moved by Holly James, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board support the Parent Advisory Committee in their efforts to conduct informative workshops and a telephone survey to identify the support/opposition to school uniforms.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #16 - Consider a motion to advertise for Assistant Principal at Franklinton High School (Robert Coleman).


            Beverly Young, Principal, Franklinton High School, requested that the Board allow Franklinton High School to continue using two (2) faculty coordinators instead of advertising for an Assistant Principal (to fill in for Matthew Tate, Assistant Principal, who will be on sabbatical leave for the 1996-97 school year).  President Barker stated he felt the Board needed to go ahead and hire a full-time assistant principal, then offered a motion that the Board advertise for a full-time assistant principal at Franklinton High School.  Bruce Brown seconded the motion.  Following discussion, Freddie Jefferson asked if President Barker would reconsider his motion and, instead, give Principal Young authority to appoint one (1) quality white faculty coordinator and one (1) quality black faculty coordinator for temporary positions for the 1996-97 school year.  President Barker agreed and re-stated his motion to authorize Beverly Young, Principal, Franklinton High School, to appoint one (1) quality white faculty coordinator and one (1) quality black faculty coordinator for temporary positions for the 1996-97 school year.  Bruce Brown seconded Mr. Barker’s restated motion.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #17 - Consider a motion to approve replacing a Faculty Coordinator at Varnado High School (Robert Coleman).


            It was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board approve replacing a Faculty Coordinator at Varnado High School and appoint Gregory Brumfield to that position effective July 1, 1996, as recommended by Principal Emma Ross. Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #18 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding renovations at Varnado High School (Robert Coleman).


            Superintendent Coleman stated that the Board is close to a settlement with the insurance company.  It was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that a public meeting be held at Varnado High School stadium on July 8, 1996, at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of having community input regarding renovations at Varnado High School. Motion carried unanimously.  In case of inclement weather, the community meeting will be held at Angie Jr. High School.


            Agenda Item #19 - Consider a motion to approve Uniform General Sales and Use Tax Ordinance (Holly James).


            It was moved by Holly James, seconded by Harold Smith, that this item be tabled until the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously,


            Agenda Item #20 - Consider a motion to take action on the Superintendent’s contract (Holly James).


            Holly James read the following statement:


            “Contrary to what has been presented in committee and the media, this action is not one that has been taken quickly or lightly.  I could have placed this motion on the agenda on Tuesday morning and avoided the situation on Monday night.  Instead, I chose to give the other board members the time to consider what their action would be.  I am very much aware that this is not a small sum of money, and this is not a frivolous motion. 


            I am also aware that our system needs to move forward.  We need a building priority list, with Varnado High School at the top.  We need to provide our employees with financial and moral support.  But, most important, we need to provide our children with the best education we can offer.


            In the past 18 months, alternatives to this action have been tried.  None have been effective.  Mr. Coleman, this is not personal.  Mr. Barker, this is not racial.  Remember, it was my vote that put you in the president’s seat.  This is the democratic process.  Much has been said about this being a split board and the 5-4 votes.  Yes, often we do disagree. I have been on both sides of some 5-4 votes.  There is nothing wrong with disagreement, and I feel sure that the public would rather us disagree in public than vote for everything unanimously because all decisions were made before hand.


            I was elected to do the best job for education I could.  The previous board did its best.  They spent time, money, and energy with a consulting firm to hire an outside leader for our system.  It was the correct action, but I feel, as many of my constituents, that it did not deliver the leadership that we had hoped it would.  If this motion passes, I believe that the advantages will outweigh the money spent.  If this motion fails, I will continue to work hard to see that ALL of our children receive the education they deserve and that our administrators receive the guidance they need.”


            The following motion was offered by Holly James and seconded by Harold Smith: “In order to seek different leadership, I move that the Board buy out the remainder of the Superintendent’s contract effective immediately.”


            President Barker recognized the following persons, who spoke against the buy out of Superintendent Coleman’s contract: Vertress Moses, Bob Bateman, Bobby Pierce, Jeanne Collins, Linda Spears, and Wilton Moses.


             President Barker then asked for comments from board members.  Bruce Brown said the Board is obligated to support the person hired and to give him freedom to go out and do his job.  There has been a lot of sabotage, beginning with the board, then the central office.  He further stated that he was greatly disturbed.  “If this man was doing such a terrible job, the board should have been informed.  This makes the board and the system look bad.  The accused should have his day in court.”  He stated he found Mr. Coleman to be accessible, friendly and competent, and that the board should reconsider what it’s doing.  He said, “I respect the superintendent to the highest.  I am totally for retaining Mr. Coleman as superintendent.  We need to get our houses in order.”  To Mr. Coleman, he stated, “I support you 100%.”


            Freddie Jefferson stated, “This reminds me of the crucifixion of Jesus.  What are the charges against Mr. Coleman?  You are going to fire the man.  Every employee in this system has due process and is entitled to a fair hearing.   Robert Coleman was given a three-year contract; I came on the Board to honor that contract.  Just a few months ago, the Board gave Mr. Coleman a satisfactory evaluation.  We want this man to light a fire but don’t give him a match.”


            President Barker stated, “The consulting firm came into the parish, interviewed teachers, parents, business people, etc., and came up with a set of guidelines to select a superintendent.  One guideline was that the person must be able to provide leadership and move the system forward.  I think he has tried to do that.  Due to leaves granted, Mr. Coleman has carried on with temporary people.  My personal opinion is that he was undermined, back stabbed and not given a fair shake.”


            President Barker offered a substitute motion, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that Mr. Coleman be allowed to continue to work through the duration of his contract and evaluate his performance following guidelines of the contract.  Roll call vote was as follows:


                        District 1           Harold Smith                 AGAINST

                        District 2           Karl Bickham                 AGAINST

                        District 3           Bruce Brown                  FOR

                        District 4           Richard N. Thomas        FOR

                        District 5           Hayward Boone             AGAINST

                        District 6           Susanne Jones              AGAINST

                        District 7           Holly James                  AGAINST

                        District 8           B. H. Barker                  FOR

                        District 9           Freddie Jefferson            FOR


The vote being four (4) FOR and five (5) AGAINST, the substitute motion failed.


            Roll call vote on the original motion (to buy out the remainder of the Superintendent’s contract effective immediately) was as follows:


                        District 1           Harold Smith                 FOR

                        District 2           Karl Bickham                 FOR

                        District 3           Bruce Brown                  AGAINST

                        District 4           Richard N. Thomas        AGAINST

                        District 5           Hayward Boone             FOR

                        District 6           Susanne Jones              FOR

                        District 7           Holly James                  FOR

                        District 8           B. H. Barker                  AGAINST

                        District 9           Freddie Jefferson            AGAINST


The vote being five (5) FOR and four (4) AGAINST, the motion carried.  Mr. Barker stated, “The contract with Mr. Coleman has been terminated.”


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Holly James, that the School Board Attorney negotiate with Robert Coleman and report back to the Board at a special board meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 1996, at 6:30 P.M.  Roll call vote was as follows:


                        District 1           Harold Smith                 FOR

                        District 2           Karl Bickham                 FOR

                        District 3           Bruce Brown                  FOR

                        District 4           Richard N. Thomas        FOR

                        District 5           Hayward Boone             FOR

                        District 6           Susanne Jones              FOR

                        District 7           Holly James                  FOR

                        District 8           B. H. Barker                  FOR

                        District 9           Freddie Jefferson            FOR


Motion carried unanimously.


            It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Hayward Boone, that Anthony J. Triola be appointed Acting Superintendent.  Roll call vote was as follows:


                        District 1           Harold Smith                 FOR

                        District 2           Karl Bickham                 FOR

                        District 3           Bruce Brown                  FOR

                        District 4           Richard N. Thomas        FOR

                        District 5           Hayward Boone             FOR

                        District 6           Susanne Jones              FOR

                        District 7           Holly James                  FOR

                        District 8           B. H. Barker                  FOR

                        District 9           Freddie Jefferson            FOR


Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #21 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel and Transportation Adjustments.






Enon Elementary School: Edith Ezell Jones, Janitor, Retirement Resignation effective May 30, 1996.


Pine School: Clara Kennedy, Lunchroom Worker, Retirement Resignation effective May 31, 1996.


Central Office:    Guy V. Schilling, Assistant Superintendent and Supervisor, Retirement Resignation effective June 30, 1996.


Varnado Elementary School: Mary Lofthus, Regular Teacher, Retirement Resignation effective June 27, 1996.




Franklinton Jr. High School: Maggie Alvear, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective May 30, 1996.


Wesley Ray Elementary School: Nelda E. Hudson, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective May 30, 1996.




Mt. Hermon School: Richard Montet, Regular Teacher, Sick Leave effective August 13, 1996, through January 13, 1997.




Franklinton Jr. High School: Debra Jean McElveen, Regular Teacher, Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation effective the entire 1996-97 school year.


Franklinton High School: Pauline C. Bankston, Business Teacher, Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation effective the entire 1996-97 school year.


Franklinton High School: Matthew Tate, Assistant Principal, Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation effective the entire 1996-97 school year.


Franklinton High School: William A. Hargrove, Agriculture/Aero-Space Teacher, Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation effective the Fall semester of the 1996-97 school year.


WP Vocational Center:   Ronald W. McKenzie, Auto Mechanics Teacher, Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation effective the entire 1996-97 school year.


Special Education Office: Virginia Ann Thames, Social Worker, Sabbatical Leave for Rest and Recuperation effective the Fall semester of the 1996-97 school year.




Franklinton High School: Sherrie Thomassen, Special Education Mild/Moderate Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified (replacing Scott Bryant, who was a Special Education Mild/Moderate Teacher on a TTA).


Franklinton High School: Tonya Varnado Jenkins, Special Education Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified (replacing Steve Meyers, who went to another school system.  However, Stephen Meyers was not certified for the position).


Franklinton Jr. High School: Ann Spears, Special Education Mild/Moderate Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified (replacing Sonja Angelo, who was on a TTA).


Mt. Hermon School: Jeff Thomas, Science and Math Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified (replacing Charlie Williamson, who is a retired teacher).


Franklinton High School: Carroll Domengeaux, Physical Education, Safety and Health Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified.


Franklinton High School: James Calvin Day, Sr., JROTC Instructor, effective the 1996-97 school session.


Varnado Elementary School:  Cindy Cibic, Regular Elementary Education Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified (replacing Mary Lofthus, who is retiring June 27, 1996).


Varnado Elementary School:  Laurie Pittman, Elementary Education Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified (replacing Jeanie Bryant, who has requested a transfer to Enon Elementary School).


Thomas Jr. High School: Kim Lampton, Regular Teacher, effective the 1996-97 school session only - Certified (fill-in for Karen Thomas, who will be on sabbatical leave) -Ms. Lampton has worked as a fill-in for the last two years).


Wesley Ray Elementary School: Frances Charlene Williams, Regular Teacher (Fourth Grade), effective the 1996-97 school session - Certified - (replacing Nelda Hudson, who has retired).




Jeanie Bryant, Regular Teacher, Varnado Elementary School, to Regular Teacher, Enon Elementary School (Fifth Grade) - Certified - effective the Fall semester of the 1996-97 school year (fill-in for Beryl Jo Sharp, who will be on sabbatical leave the Fall semester of the 1996-97 school year) - Although this is only for one semester, Mrs. Bryant does want to transfer.


Rhonda Gunnell, Home Economics Teacher, Varnado High School, to Special Education Mild/Moderate Teacher, Pine High School - Certified - Effective the 1996-97 school session (replacing Burneva Ellzey, who is retired and on a TTA).


Seleria Jones, Teacher Aide for Pre-School Program, Mt. Hermon School, to Special Education Paraprofessional, Mt. Hermon School, effective the 1996-97 school year.


Adam Kemp, Special Education Mild/Moderate Teacher, Franklinton Elementary School, to Regular Teacher (Language Arts/Study Skills), Franklinton Jr. High School -Certified - Effective the 1996-97 school session.


Donna Pendarvis, Guidance Counselor, Varnado High School, to Guidance Counselor, Thomas Jr. High School, effective the 1996-97 school session.


Motion carried unanimously.  There were no Transportation Adjustments.

            Agenda Item #22 - Superintendent’s Report.




            Agenda Item #23 - Other business from board members.


            Upon the recommendation of Attorney Wayne Kuhn, it was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board adopt the following resolution certifying a case of extreme public emergency: SEE ATTACHED.  Motion carried unanimously.


            The Board returned to the School Board Office for the remainder of the meeting.


            Agenda Item #24 - Consider a motion to enter into Executive Session under LA R.S. 42:6.1(A)(2) concerning litigation in the matter of “Jerry Smith vs. Washington Parish School Board,” No. 94-06313, District 6 (Robert Coleman).


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board enter into Executive Session under LA R.S. 42:6.1(A)(2) concerning litigation in the matter of “Jerry Smith vs. Washington Parish School Board,” No. 94-06313, District 6.  Motion carried unanimously.


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board return to regular session.  Motion carried unanimously.


            It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Bruce Brown,  that the Board agree to settle the matter entitled, “Jerry Smith vs. Washington Parish School Board, No. 94-06313, District 6,” as recommended by the attorney representing the Board in this matter.  Motion carried unanimously.


            It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board authorize withdrawal privileges for Anthony J. Triola on all Washington Parish School Board bank accounts, continue withdrawal privileges for Bringier H. Barker, and remove all existing authority, excluding Anthony J. Triola and Bringier H. Barker.  Motion carried unanimously.


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board advertise in-parish for a superintendent.  An amendment to the motion was offered by B. H. Barker, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, to advertise both in-parish and out-of-parish for a superintendent.  Roll call vote on the amendment to the motion was as follows:


                        District 1           Harold Smith                 AGAINST

                        District 2           Karl Bickham                 AGAINST

                        District 3           Bruce Brown                  FOR

                        District 4           Richard N. Thomas        ABSTENTION

                        District 5           Hayward Boone             AGAINST

                        District 6           Susanne Jones              AGAINST

                        District 7           Holly James                  AGAINST

                        District 8           B. H. Barker                  FOR

                        District 9           Freddie Jefferson            FOR


The vote being three (3) FOR, five (5) AGAINST, and one (1) ABSTENTION, the amendment to the motion failed.


Roll call vote on the original motion was as follows:


                        District 1           Harold Smith                 FOR

                        District 2           Karl Bickham                 FOR

                        District 3           Bruce Brown                  AGAINST

                        District 4           Richard N. Thomas        ABSTENTION

                        District 5           Hayward Boone             FOR

                        District 6           Susanne Jones              FOR

                        District 7           Holly James                  FOR

                        District 8           B. H. Barker                  AGAINST

                        District 9           Freddie Jefferson            AGAINST


The vote being five (5) FOR, three (3) AGAINST, and one (1) ABSTENTION, the motion carried.


            Agenda Item #25 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


            It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Holly James, that the Board adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.