Franklinton, Louisiana

July 6, 1995

1:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in special session on the above date with the following members present: President Bringier H. Barker, Karl Bickham, Hayward Boone, Holly James, Susanne Jones, Harold Smith, Richard N. Thomas, Bruce Brown and Freddie Jefferson. Absent: None.


Agenda Item #1 - Opening of meeting.


The meeting was called to order by President Barker. Invocation was given by Bruce Brown. It was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the printed agenda be adopted as the official agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #2 - Strategy session with regard to pending litigation.


It was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board enter into executive session pursuant to LRS 42:6.1(a)(2) to discuss litiĀ­gation entitled Guy V. Schilling vs. Washington Parish School Board, Suit #72849 on the docket of the Twenty-Second Judicial Court. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board return to special session. Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #3 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel  Evaluation Program Revisions for the 1995/96 school year.


It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the following three (3) documents before the Board become one and be adopted as policy of the Washington Parish School Board: (1) Washington Parish School Board Personnel Evaluation Program Revisions for the 1995/96 school year, (2)Child Welfare and Personnel Supervisor, and (3) Assistant Superintendent.


Harold Smith asked if these three documents were approved by the Personnel Evaluation Program Steering Committee. Ms. Mary Jones, Steering Committee Chairperson, responded that the revisions went through the proper procedure; the job descriptions did not go through the proper procedure. Hayward Boone offered an amendment to the motion to strike the two job descriptions and leave intact the Personnel Evaluation Program Revisions. President Barker declared the amendment to the motion died for lack of a second. Roll Call vote on the original motion was as follows:


Harold Smith - District I                                   AGAINST

Karl Bickham - District 2                                  FOR

Bruce Brown - District 3                                   FOR

Richard N. Thomas - District 4                         AGAINST

Hayward Boone - District 5                              AGAINST

Susanne Jones - District 6                               FOR

Holly James - District 7                                    AGAINST

B. H. Barker - District 8                                   FOR

Freddie Jefferson - District 9                             FOR


The vote being five (5) FOR and four (4) AGAINST, President Barker declared that the motion carried. Harold Smith stated, "It takes three-fourths vote to change it." Hayward Boone stated that he objected "because that requires a three-fourths vote because this is going against policy in the past .... If You go back and search past minutes, you will find that policy of Washington Parish School Board, to change it, requires a three-fourths vote." President Barker stated, "The Chair will rule a majority vote*. Motion carried on a majority vote."


Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to render determination in the grievance filed by Dr. Guy V. Schilling, Assistant Superintendent.


Dr. Schilling asked to address the Board and give board members several documents. President Barker asked if these documents were in relation to Item 3 or Item 4. Dr. Schilling replied, "It relates to a board policy which was specifically referred to in my grievance involving the process of changing my legal job description. I did make reference to the fact that changing my job description in such a way did violate existing board policy, and this relates to that." President Barker stated that this meeting was to render a determination in the grievance. Dr. Schilling pointed out that "following my grievance, when it came to the Board considering revisions or updates to the Personnel Evaluation Program, two points came up that need clarification relating directly back to my grievance. I feel that I should be entitled as a result of that discussion on the Board to bring this new material for clarification and consideration by the board members." Attorney Bob Hammonds stated that, if the remedy being sought by Dr. Schilling at this time involves a change in the job description back to the way it was before the Board took action on it this evening, it appears that issue is now moot. If the remedy being sought in the grievance is something different from that, then the Board may want to hear what he has to say.


Following additional discussion, Hayward Boone suggested that the Board be polled to hear whether or not board members wanted to hear from Dr. Schilling. President Barker's poll of the Board was as follows:


Following additional discussion, Hayward Boone suggested that the Board be polled to hear whether or not board members wanted to hear from Dr. Schilling.  President Barker's poll of the Board was as follows:


Harold Smith - District I                                      YES

Karl Bickham - District 2                                     NO

Bruce Brown - District 3                                      NO

Richard N. Thomas - District 4                            YES

Hayward Boone - District 5                                 YES

Susanne Jones - District 6                                  NO

Holly James - District 7                                      YES

B. H. Barker - District 8                                      NO

Freddie Jefferson - District 9                                NO


Poll results: Five (5) NO Four (4) YES. Dr. Schilling was, therefore, denied approval to address the Board.


It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board grant the grievance in favor of Dr. Guy V. Schilling. Roll call vote was as follows: (FOR: YES; AGAINST: NO)


Harold Smith - District I                                      YES

Karl Bickham - District 2                                     NO

Bruce Brown - District 3                                      NO

Richard N. Thomas - District 4                            YES

Hayward Boone - District 5                                 YES

Susanne Jones - District 6                                  NO

Holly James District 7                                        YES

B. H. Barker District 8                                        NO

Freddie Jefferson - District 9                                NO


The vote being four (4) YES and five (5) NO, the motion failed, and President Barker stated that the grievance was denied by the Board at this step.


Agenda Item #5 - Discuss and take appropriate action concerning report from Marsha Newman, School Food Service Supervisor, on computer software.


Upon the request of Marsha Newman, it was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board allow the sole bid received for purchase of computer software to be opened at this time, reviewed by Mrs. Newman and the Board Finance Committee and a recommendation made following a recess. Motion carried unanimously.


President Barker declared a ten-minute recess.


Upon re-convening, Mrs. Newman recommended that the bid submitted by Methods, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA, in the amount of $36,150 be accepted. It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board accept Mrs. Newman's recommendation and award the contract for the purchase of computer software for the school lunch program to Methods, Inc., in the amount of $36,150.00. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board allow Richard Wade to address the board.  Motion carried unanimously. President Barker referred Mr. Wade's complaint regarding students having to pay $5.00 for parking vehicles at Franklinton High School to Superintendent Coleman.


Following discussion, President Barker set a special board meeting for July 17, 1995, to take care of personnel matters and to hold an executive session to discuss the superintendent's evaluation.


President Barker declared the meeting adjourned.