Franklinton, Louisiana

February 15, 1994

6:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in special session on the above date with the following members present: President Bob Bateman, Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Jr., Harold Smith, Bringier H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Richard N. Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. Absent: None. The meeting was called to order by President Bateman. Invocation was given by John Dawsey. President Bateman welcomed the news media, School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn, and guests.


Agenda Item #1 ‑  Consider hiring a consulting agent for the search for a new superintendent


It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board hire a consulting agent for the search for a new superintendent and that the search be nationwide. Harold Smith offered an amendment to the motion to advertise statewide and the Board select a five‑member bi‑raciaI Screening committee from among the deans of state colleges, state superintendents association, state principals association, and the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. The amendment to the motion was seconded by Jimmie Corkern. The vote on the amendment was as follows: FOR: Jimmie Corkern, Harold Smith, and Richard N. Thomas. AGAINST: John Dawsey, B. H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Bob Bateman, and Elaine Whaley. Amendment failed. The vote on the main motion was as follows: FOR: John Dawsey, B. H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Bob Bateman, and Elaine Whaley. AGAINST: Richard N. Thomas, Jimmie Corkern, and Harold Smith. Motion carried.


Agenda Item #2 ‑  Consider general guidelines and procedures for the use of metal detectors in schools


It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Jimmie Corkern, that the Board adopt the following guidelines and procedures for the use of metal detectors in schools:


General Guidelines and Procedures for the Use of Metal Detectors in Schools


The stated purposes of the search are to prevent students from bringing weapons in the schools pursuant to Louisiana Law.


1.         Administrators or assigned designees will operate the metal detectors.


2.         All individuals on the school property or within school jurisdiction are subject to the search.


3.         The administrators or designees who conduct the search will explain to the students the nature of the metal detector to alleviate fear and anxiety.


4.         Students may be searched randomly or, if there is probable cause, a student may be searched individually.


5.         If the metal detector positively activates, the administrator or designee will ask the student to produce the signal‑triggering metal object.


6.         If the student refuses to produce the metal object, then a reasonable articulable suspicion exists, and the school administrator or his designee shall be allowed a same gender "pat down" search within the parameter of the law. A student who refuses to be searched may be suspended.


7.         Any illegal objects found during the search will be retained by the school officials until the law enforcement official makes a ruling on the nature of the contraband.


Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Kuhn has reviewed and approved the guidelines.


On motion by Harold Smith, seconded by B. H. Barker, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.