Franklinton, Louisiana

February 10, 1994

6:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: President Bob D. Bateman, Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Jr., Harold Smith, Bringier H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Richard N.Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. Absent: None. The meeting was called to order by President Bateman. Invocation was given by Freddie Jefferson. President Bateman welcomed the news media, School Board Kuhn, and guests.


It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board adopt the minutes of the January 27, 1994, board meeting as submitted to each board member. Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #1 - Consider a resolution ordering and calling a special election to be held in School District No. 2 of the Parish of Washington, State of Louisiana, to authorize the renewal of a special tax therein, making application to the State Bond Commission in connection therewith and providing for other matters in connection therewith


The following resolution was offered by John Dawsey and seconded by Susanne Jones: SEE ATTACHMENT. The resolution was unanimously adopted. At the request of Superintendent Schilling, Adren Raybourn, Director of Finance, reported on the importance of passage of this renewal tax.


Agenda Item #2 - Respond to United School Employees of Washington Parish's request for new policy on employee conferencing


Superintendent Schilling presented the following proposed policy, which had been presented and discussed at the committee meeting on February 7, 1994:




The Washington Parish School Board requires that its employees conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner at all times in the work environment. Conferences between employee-employee, administrator-employee, or employee-parent, are to be conducted in an appropriate manner and place. When employee conferences involve reprimand or criticism, such communications are best conducted in private with the parties involved, except for certain extenuating circumstances at the moment, such as in cases of an emergency or threatening situations.


President Bateman reminded the Board that this item is already a part of the policy manual under "Code of Ethics." Therefore, it would take a three-fourths majority vote to change.


It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by John Dawsey, that School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn review all policies under consideration prior to adoption by the Board. Roll Call vote was as follows:


District I                                                                                   - Harold Smith                               Abstained

District 2                                                                                  - Jimmie Corkern                                     For

District 3                                                                                  - Elaine Whaley                                       For

District 4                                                                                  - Richard N. Thomas                                For

District 5                                                                                  - John Dawsey                                        For

District 6                                                                                  - Susanne Jones                                     For

District 7                                                                                  - Bob Bateman                                  Against

District 8                                                                                  - B. H. Barker                                          For


Motion carried. Mr. Kuhn will review this policy and have an opinion for the next regular board meeting.


Agenda Item #3 - Presentation by United School Employees of Washington Parish representative concerning payroll checks and W-2 forms


Ms. Mona Waldrup, Secretary, USEWP, requested a change in the present Policy concerning paychecks and W-2 distribution to all employees. It has been reported to the organization that paychecks and W-2 forms are being placed in employee mailboxes, attached to clipboards and sign-in sheets, and, in some cases, student workers are asked to distribute them in mailboxes or to the employee personally. The checks and W-2 forms are not placed in envelopes, which the organization feels is an invasion of privacy and shows a lack of professionalism. The organization requested that window envelopes be made available to all schools for check distribution.


It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Susanne Jones, that this matter be turned over to Superintendent Schilling for handling. Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #4 - Consider request for changes in composition of screening committee for Chapter I Tutors and Special Education Paraprofessionals


Superintendent Schilling reminded the Board that a request had been made by Dr. Pamela Williford, Supervisor of Special Education, and Mr. T. J. Butler, Jr., Director of Chapter I, for the Board to change its policy relative to the screening committee composition. It was moved by John Dawsey, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the composition of screening committees be as follows:


Special Education:


Supervisor of Special Education Principal of school involved Coordinator of Special Education


Chapter I:

Director of Chapter I

Principal of school involved

Chapter I Resource Teacher or

Chapter I Test Coordinator


FOR: Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Harold Smith, B. H. Barker, Susanne Jones, and Richard N. Thomas. AGAINST: Elaine Whaley and Bob Bateman. Motion carried.


Agenda Item #5 - Consider employment of a temporary supervisor to fill a vacancy during the interim period


At the request of Superintendent Schilling and Assistant Superintendent Freddie Jefferson, it was moved by John Dawsey, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board hire a temporary supervisor to carry out duties assigned by the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent. Harold Smith offered an amendment to table this item for further discussion. B. H. Barker seconded the amendment. The vote on the amendment was as follows: FOR: Harold Smith and B. H. Barker. AGAINST: John Dawsey, Susanne Jones, Bob Bateman, and Richard N. Thomas. ABSTENTIONS: Elaine Whaley and Jimmie Corkern. Amendment failed. The vote on the main motion was as follows: FOR: John Dawsey, Susanne Jones, Bob Bateman, and Richard N. Thomas. AGAINST: B. H. Barker, Harold Smith, and Jimmie Corkern. ABSTENTION: Elaine Whaley. Motion carried.


Agenda Item #6 - Consider hiring a consulting agent for the search for a new superintendent


It was moved by John Dawsey, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that this item be tabled for further discussion at a committee meeting to be held on February 15, 1994, at 5:00 P.M., with special board meeting being held at 6:30 P.M. on February 15, 1994, to consider this item. FOR: Jimmie Corkern, John Dawsey, Harold Smith, B. H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Richard N. Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. AGAINST: Bob Bateman. Motion carried.


Agenda Item #7 - Consider salary adjustment for school board attorney for litigation work


It was moved by Bob Bateman, seconded by John Dawsey, that, in addition to Attorney Wayne Kuhn's current retainer,the Board compensate him at the rate of $90.00 per hour for matters involving litigation and any adminis­trative or tenure hearings. Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #8 - Consider employment of additional one-half time custodian at Varnado Elementary School


At the recommendation of Superintendent Schilling, it was moved by Richard N. Thomas, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board employ an additional one-half time custodian at Varnado Elementary School. Motion carried unanimously. (President Bateman left the meeting briefly and was not present for the vote.)


Agenda Item #9 - Consider adoption of policy on the playing of music at schools and certain athletic events


Superintendent Schilling presented the following proposed policy, which had been presented and discussed at the committee meeting on February 7, 1994:




It shall be the policy of this Board that music played in schools of the parish can be done only with prior approval of the school principal or his/her designee. Music containing lyrics with vulgar and/or profane language is not permissable at any time or at any place under the jurisdiction of this school board.


The principal and his/her designee will be responsible for any violations of this policy.


Jimmie Corkern stated he wanted to amend the motion by adding the words, "with Christian values involved." It was pointed out that no motion had yet been made. Attorney Kuhn stated he had discussed this proposed policy with Dr. Schilling earlier, and it met with his approval. He also stated that he did not think reference to a religious preference could be included in the proposed policy.


It was moved by John Dawsey, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the proposed policy be adopted. FOR: Harold Smith, John Dawsey, B. H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Bob Bateman, Richard N. Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. AGAINST: None. ABSTENTION: Jimmie Corkern. Motion carried. Mr. Corkern stated he would like the policy to be more forceful.


Agenda Item #10 - consider adoption of a policy on validation of position certification


Superintendent Schilling presented the following proposed policy, which had been discussed and revised in the February 7, 1994, committee meeting:




It shall be the policy of the Washington Parish School Board that all applicants for positions requiring Louisiana Certification must validate through documentation from Louisiana State Department of Education Teacher Certification that they have completed all needed requirements for such position at the time of application. If an individual cannot validate that he/she has completed all requirements for Louisiana Certification, such individual will not be qualified for undergoing a screening procedure. Other school board policies are applicable in instances where fully certified/competent individuals are not available for the stated position.


The administrator in charge of the screening procedure for filling a personnel vacancy shall be directly responsible for assuring that only individuals with validated credentials are permitted to go through screening. Appropriate reprimand will be administered when an administrator fails to properly carry out this responsibility.


Should there ever be an instance where an individual goes through the screening procedure and is subsequently placed in a position, and it is later discovered that said individual had not met all certification requirements for such position at the time of application, the individual will be removed from the position through voluntary resignation by the individual or through formal action by the Board.


Since Mr. Kuhn had not reviewed the proposed policy, it was agreed that he would do so and report back to the Board later in the meeting, at which time it would be considered.


Agenda Item #II - Consider adoption of revised school board policies recommended by Forethought, the policy development contractor


Superintendent Schilling stated these revisions were made by Forethought due to 1993 legislation, and the board members were provided copies for review prior to this meeting. It was moved by John Dawsey, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board adopt the following revised policies for inclusion in the Washington Parish School Board Policy Manual:


File:  BBBE - Compensation and Expenses

File: BCBD - Agenda Preparation and Dissemination

File: DC - Annual Operating Budget

File: DIB - Financial Reports and Statements

File: DJED - Bids and Quotations

File:  EBF - Sanitation

File: ED Student Transportation Management

File: GAD Professional Development opportunities

File: GAK Personnel Records

File: GBA Compensation Guides and Contracts

File: GBRIA - General Leaves of Absence

File: GCD - Support Personnel Employment

File:  GCRJ - Substitutes for Support Personnel

File:  JBB - Entrance Age

File:  JBC - School Admission

File:  JBCC - Student Assignments

File:  JCDA-R- Behavior Code

File:  JCDAE- Dangerous Weapons

File:  JD- Discipline

File:  JDE- Expulsion

File:  JGCD Administration of Medication


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #12 - Consider appointment of a steering committee to study the formation of an advisory committee for the Board


It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by John Dawsey, that the Board President appoint a Steering Committee to study the formation of an Advisory Committee, which would be made up of teachers, parents, non-instructional employees, etc. FOR: John Dawsey, Harold Smith, B. H. Barker, Susanne Jones, Bob Bateman, Richard N. Thomas, and Elaine Whaley. AGAINST: NONE. ABSTENTION: Jimmie Corkern. Motion carried.


Mr. Corkern stated he didn't think the Board should set up committees unless it was going to follow through with - them. He made reference to the Goals Committee, of which Mrs. Elaine Whaley was chairperson, and which the Board had not followed through on after Mrs. Whaley's report back to the Board.


Agenda Item #13 - Consider proclamation recognizing the month of February, 1994, as Louisiana Literacy Month


Following Superintendent Schilling's reading of the proclamation, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board support this proclamation. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Harold Smith, that the Board add the following item to the agenda. Consider adoption of a proclamation recognizing the week of February 28, 1994, as Literacy Week in Washington Parish. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Jimmie Corkern, that the Board adopt the following proclamation from the Washington Parish Reading Association recognizing the week of February 28, 1994, as Literacy Week in Washington Parish. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ATTACHMENT.


Agenda item #14 - Consider proclamation recognizing the week of February 13-19, 1994, as American Vocational Education Week


Following the reading of the proclamation by Superintendent Schilling, it was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board support this proclamation. Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda item #15 Consider proclamation recognizing February, 1994, as Black History Month


Following the reading of the proclamation by Superintendent Schilling, it was moved by Harold Smith, seconded by B. H. Barker, that the Board support this proclamation. Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda item #16 - Personnel and Transportation Adjustments


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Schilling, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that the Board approve the following Personnel and Transportation Adjustments as presented by Mr. Freddie Jefferson, Assistant Superintendent:






Thomas Jr. High School:  Christine Thomas, Special Education Paraprofessional, Resignation effective January 13, 1994.




Franklinton Primary School:  Madis Russell, Chapter I Tutor, effective February 16, 1994.


Thomas Jr. High School:  Penny Kennedy, Special Education Paraprofessional, effective February 16, 1994, and for the remainder of the 1993-94 school year only.


Mt. Hermon School:  Dale Stewart, Chapter I Tutor, effective February 16, 1994.




Angie District:  Extend the route of J. W. Hawthorne 1.0 mile one way to pick up Jana Peters. Effective date: January 3, 1994.


Enon District:  Extend the route of Gilda McCain .4 mile one way to pick up Warren, Kelly and Susan Boyd. Effective date: January 10, 1994.


Franklinton District:     Extend the route of Aulton Carter .5 mile one way to pick up Roger and George Watson. Effective date: January 10, 1994.


Mt. Hermon District:  Extend the route of Viola Bennett 2.3 miles one way detour due to bridge being out on Shelby Booty Road. Effective date: January 3, 1994.


Varnado District:  Extend the route of Willie B. Peters, Jr., 1.0 mile one way to pick up Jonathan Peters. Effective date: January 25, 1994.


Wesley Ray District:  Extend the route of Mary Knight .5 mile one way to pick up a special education student. Effective date: January 18, 1994.


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #17 - Superintendent's Report


(1)        Superintendent Schilling informed the Board of an emergency situation at Pine School football stadium. He shared with the Board a letter from Mr. Wilton DeMuth, Area Line Supervisor with Louisiana Power and Light, in which Mr. DeMuth stated the light poles at Pine football field are too dangerous to allow anyone to climb and to repair or replace any of the fixtures. Dr. Schilling stated the main control box is a dan­gerous situation, in addition to the poles. The principal has requested and Dr. Schilling recommended that the Board declare an emergency in this situation and loan to Pine School the monies needed to replace and/or repair the light poles and fixtures.  It is estimated that $9,200 will be needed for the repairs, and these funds will be repaid on a regular schedule agreed upon by the Board. Dr. Schilling added that, if the football stadium was to be used, it would have to be a safe facility; at present, it is not safe. A member of the Pine community, Mrs. Linda Spears, was asked by Mr. Barker to comment on    the situation. Mrs. Spears stated that a survey of the parents is being conducted in order to prioritize the problems/needs at Pine       School, including whether or not to keep football/Little League activities. She requested that the Board allow time for the survey to be completed. President Bateman suggested that, if there were no objections, Dr. Schilling contact LP&L and have them disconnect service at Pine School ball field, remove the existing poles, and secure the field as best as possible until the community can come to a decision as to what it wants in the community. Mr. Corkern asked if a motion and second were needed, and Mr. Bateman replied that, if this was to be handled in that manner, then it would have to be added to the agenda. It was moved by Jimmie Corkern, seconded by Harold Smith, that this item be added to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Jimmie Corkern, seconded by John Dawsey, that Dr. Schilling get with Mr. Deas (Principal) and contact LP&L to have the poles removed, secure the area, have the service disconnected, and make it safe as possible until the community can come to a decision as to whether or not they want football at Pine. Motion carried unanimously.


(2)        Superintendent Schilling informed the Board that the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service at Louisiana State University has volun­teered to conduct energy audits at Franklinton High School, Pine School and Mt. Hermon School, at no cost to the Board, after which recommendations will be made as to how the system can save energy. These audits will be conducted in March, 1994.


(3)        Superintendent Schilling announced that Mrs. Martha Sumrall, Teacher of the Academically Gifted at Franklinton Jr. High School, has been chosen as the Special Education Teacher of the Year in Region II. She will participate on the state level at a later date.


President Bateman called on Mr. Kuhn to report an the proposed policy on validation of position certification, Agenda Item #10, which he had been asked to review. After Mr. Kuhn reported that he saw no problem with the policy, it was moved by B. H. Barker, seconded by Harold Smith, that the policy be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kuhn suggested that a copy be given to applicants at time of application.


On behalf of Anthony Triola, who was unable to attend the meeting, Mr. Jefferson asked the Board to consider approving the following proposed guidelines for the use of metal detectors in schools. These guidelines were written by Mr. Triola and a committee of several principals.


General Guidelines and Procedures for the Use of Metal Detectors in Schools


The stated purposes of the search are to prevent students from bringing weapons in the schools pursuant to Louisiana Law.


I.          Administrators or assigned designees will operate the metal detectors.

2.         All individuals on the school property or within school jurisdiction are subject to the search.

3.         The administrators or designees who conduct the search will explain to the students the nature of the metal detector to alleviate fear and anxiety.

4.         Students may be searched randomly or, if there is probable cause, a student may be searched individually.

5.         If the metal detector positively activates, the administrator or designee will ask the student to produce the signal-triggering metal object.

6.         If the student refuses to produce the metal object, then a reasonable articulable suspicion exists, and the school administrator or his designee shall be allowed a same gender "pat down" search within the parameter of the law. A student who refuses to be searched may be suspended.

7.         Any illegal objects found during the search will be retained by the school officials until the law enforcement official makes a ruling on the nature of the contraband.


A motion made by Jimmie Corkern to add this item to the agenda was withdrawn, and the second, offered by Harold Smith, was withdrawn.  It was moved by Elaine Whaley, seconded by Richard N. Thomas, that this item be added to the February 15, 1994, special meeting agenda to allow board members and Mr. Kuhn time to review the guidelines. Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #18 - Other business from board members


President Bateman stated that if any board member would like to make a recommendation to him regarding an individual to serve on the Steering Committee, please so inform him by February 15, 1994, as he would make his decision on the committee composition February 16, 1994.


Mrs. Susanne Jones asked that the Board take a look at the hiring procedures for non-instructional employees.


President Bateman declared the meeting adjourned.





P R 0 C L A M A T I 0 N


WHEREAS, the ability to read and to write is fundamental to the acquisition of knowledge and to academic achievement; and


WHEREAS, illiteracy is a pronounced impediment to the fulfillment of personal and community goals relating to an informed, educated populace; and


WHEREAS, a literate society profoundly affects the well-being and productivity of its citizens; and


WHEREAS, the Washington Parish School Board is committed to the development of literacy through the provision of a quality education for its students;


THEREFORE, the week of February 28, 1994, is recognized as Literacy Week in Washington Parish with renewed dedication to the goal of literacy for all.




I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a proclamation adopted by the Washington Parish School Board in Regular Session on February 10, 1994.