Franklinton, Louisiana

November 10, 2022

6:00 p.m.



The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present:  Dan Slocum, Bruce Brown, Robert Boone, Kendall McKenzie, Alan McCain, Dewitt Perry and Frankie Crosby.  Absent:  John Wyble.


Agenda Item #1 - Call to order


The meeting was called to order by Vice President Lesley McKinley.


Agenda Item #2 – Invocation


The invocation was given by Frankie Crosby.


Agenda Item #3 – Pledge of Allegiance-National Anthem by Pine High School Choir


 Agenda Item #4 – Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the October 13, 2022, regular board meeting (Lesley McKinley).


  It was moved by Frankie Crosby, seconded by Alan McCain that the Board adopt the minutes of the October 13, 2022, regular board meeting as submitted to each member.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #5 – Recognize Enon Elementary School Beta Club, Pine High School Jr. High FFA and Pine High School Choir (Frances Varnado).


Agenda Item #6 – Presentation on September 2022 financial statements (Dana Knight).


Dana Knight, Director of Finance, presented the September 2022 financial statements at the Monday night committee meeting for the following funds:


General Fund

School Lunch Fund

Tax District #4 Bond Sinking Fund


Agenda Item #7 – Consider a motion to approve the second allocations to schools for the 2022/2023 operations budget (Dana Knight).


It was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Frankie Crosby that the Board approve the second allocations to schools for the 2022/2023 operations budget as follows:





  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #8 - Consider a motion to approve restricted allocations for some schools in lieu of paying for water/sewage (Dana Knight).


It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Robert Boone that the Board approve restricted allocations for schools in lieu of paying for water/sewage as follows:



Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #9 – Consider a motion to adopt a resolution by the Washington Parish School Board to join the Louisiana Public Schools Risk Management Agency, an interlocal risk management agency through the execution of the interlocal agreement and adoption of its bylaws (Dana Knight).


It was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Alan McCain that the Board adopt a resolution by the Washington Parish School Board to join the Louisiana Public Schools Risk Management Agency, an interlocal risk management agency through the execution of the interlocal agreement and adoption of its bylaws.







 Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #10 – Discuss and take appropriate action regarding compensation for certified personnel operating school buses (Dana Knight).


It was moved by Frankie Crosby, seconded by Dan Slocum that the Board approve changing bus operation compensation for certified personnel from $10.00 per hour to $20.00 per hour for driving extracurricular trips not related to said personnel’s sponsored sport and that the Board approve a guaranteed minimum of four hours of compensation (two for the morning and two for the afternoon) to certified personnel driving bus routes at $25.00 per hour.   Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #11 – Discuss and take appropriate action concerning Industrial Tax Exemption Program Application –Project ID 20210370-ITE (Sunlight Road Solar, LLC) (Dana Knight).


            It was moved by Kendall McKenzie, seconded by Alan McCain that the Board table the action until the December 15, 2022 Board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #12-Discuss and take appropriate action concerning Industrial Tax Exemption Program Application-Project ID 20210366-ITE (Bogalusa West PV 1, LLC) (Dana Knight).


            It was moved by Kendall McKenzie, seconded by Alan McCain that the Board table the action until the December 15, 2022 Board Meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #13 – Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the bids for surplus equipment (Amanda Stafford).


            It was moved by Kendall McKenzie, seconded by Bruce Brown that the Board approve the bids for surplus equipment as follows:


Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #14 – Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bids received for Thomas Early Learning Center (Steve Knight).

It was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Kendall McKenzie that the Board approve the bid from Nobles Construction, LLC in the amount of $675,000.00. 



            Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #15 – Personnel Report (Jennifer Thomas).



            Agenda Item #16 – Superintendent’s Report-Frances Varnado


            Ms. Varnado thanked the students for their presentations.  She also gave a list of the Veteran’s Day Programs at the schools and encouraged everyone to attend.


Agenda Item #17 – Personal Privileges-School Board Members


Agenda Item 18-Consider a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Kendall McKenzie, seconded by Alan McCain that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.



John Wyble, President



Frances Varnado, Secretary