Franklinton, Louisiana

November 7, 2019

6:00 p.m.



The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: Dan Slocum, Bruce Brown, Robert Boone, John Wyble, Lesley McKinley, Alan McCain, Dewitt Perry and Frankie Crosby.  Absent:  Kendall McKenzie.


Agenda Item #1 - Call to order


The meeting was called to order by President John Wyble.


Agenda Item #2 – Invocation


The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.


Agenda Item #3 – Pledge of Allegiance


 Agenda Item #4 – Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the October 10, 2019, regular board meeting (John Wyble).


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board adopt the minutes of the October 10, 2019, regular board meeting as submitted to each member.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #5 – Presentation from Northshore Technical Community College – William Wainwright (John Wyble).


A presentation was given by Dr. William Wainwright and Dr. Daniel Roberts on Expanding Access and Workforce Readiness.


Agenda Item #6 – Presentation on Accountability – Katie Miller (Sandy Morgan).


Katie Miller presented recently released 2019 Accountability Performance Data for the District as well as each individual school. She noted the letter grade for each school, gains or losses, noted top gains schools, and schools in need of urgent intervention. 


Agenda Item #7 – Presentation on Early Childhood – Leslie Hodges (Sandy Morgan).


            Early childhood coordinator, Leslie Hodges, presented information concerning the state of the Washington Parish Early Childhood Community Network. A data report was presented showing all sites were proficient or excellent.


Two school system sites were excellent, Wesley Ray Elementary and Franklinton Primary School, will be on the state’s honor roll, and will be publicly recognized. All four childcares and Franklinton Head Start will also be on the state’s honor roll as top performing sites for birth to three-year-old children. School system’s overall score was 6.01 which is excellent.


Information about new Early Childhood grants was presented.  Ready Start Network Grant $132,000:


        provided head start seats for three year olds at WRES

        created an on-line application and data collection system  

        purchased materials and supplies for our four childcare centers

        created a formal organizational structure for the network.

        Our district was awarded a Birth to Age 5 SRCL grant ($87,875) for use in our prekindergarten classrooms and our largest childcare center

        We were given a separate allocation, ($50,000) which falls in the funding category of K-2 – to be used for Kindergarten CLASS professional development for teachers, coaches and observers.


Agenda Item #8 – Presentation on September 2019 financial statements (Lacy Burris).


Lacy Burris, Director of Finance, presented the September 2019 financial statements at the Monday night committee meeting for the following funds:


General Fund

School Lunch Fund

Tax District #4 Bond Sinking Fund


Agenda Item #9 – Consider a motion to approve the second allocations to schools for the 2018/2019 operations budget (Lacy Burris).


It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board approve the second allocations to schools for the 2019/2020 operations budget as follows:


  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #10 - Consider a motion to approve restricted allocations for some schools in lieu of paying for water/sewage (Lacy Burris).


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board approve restricted allocations for school schools in lieu of paying for water/sewage as follows:



Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #11 – Consider a motion to adopt the schedule of school board meetings for 2020 (Darrell Fairburn).


It was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board approve the schedule of school board meetings for 2020 as follows:



ACT 707 OF 1977





The Washington Parish School Board shall meet in regular session for the year 2020 at its legal domicile, the Washington Parish School Board Office Building, 800 Main Street, Franklinton, Louisiana, at 6:00 P.M., on the following dates:





January 16, 2020                                                          January 13, 2020         


February 13, 2020                                                        February 10, 2020       


March 19, 2020                                                            March 16, 2020                       


April 23, 2020                                                              April 20, 2020 


May 14, 2020                                                                May 11, 2020                           


June 11, 2020                                                               June 8, 2020                           


July 16, 2020                                                               July 13, 2020   


August 6, 2020                                                             August 3, 2020                        


September 10, 2020                                                     September 8, 2020 (Tuesday)


October 8, 2020                                                          October 5, 2020          


November 12, 2020                                                      November 9, 2020       


December 10, 2020                                                      December 7, 2020       


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #12 – Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bids received on surplus equipment at Pine School (Shane Smith).


It was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board accept the bid from Company J – Susan Rogers in the amount of $892.00 for the John Deere Tractor.  Motion carried unanimously.  Other bids submitted as follows:



Agenda Item #13 – Consider a motion to adopt revised Washington Parish School Board Policy File: JS – Student Fees, Fines and Charges (Mary Jones).


It was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board adopt revised Washington Parish School Board Policy File: JS – Student Fees, Fines and Charges.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #14 – Personnel Report (Mary Jones)





1.                Enon Elementary School:  Jordin Grantham, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective October 23, 2019.


2.                Franklinton Primary School:  Donna Miller, Special Education Paraprofessional, Resignation effective November 1, 2019.


3.                Franklinton Jr. High School:  Carey Travis, Special Education Teacher, Resignation effective November 13, 2019.


4.                Varnado High School:  Miranda Carpenter, Special Education Teacher, Resignation effective November 4, 2019.



1.                Franklinton Primary School:  Erma Partman, Special Education Paraprofessional TO Pre-K Paraprofessional effective November 11, 2019 (Replacing Candace Stewart).



1.                Vickie Anders, Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton Elementary School TO Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton Primary School effective November 11, 2019 (Replacing Erma Partman).


2.                April Magee, Regular Teacher, Franklinton Elementary School TO Special Education Teacher, Franklinton Jr. High School effective November 18, 2019 (Replacing Carey Travis).



1.                  Central Office:  Lowal Pittman, Carpenter/Maintenance Worker, Employ effective November 4, 2019 (Replacing Andrew Fricke).


2.                  Enon Elementary School:  Jeremy Hancock, Regular Teacher, Employ effective October 23, 2019 (Replacing Jordin Grantham).


3.                  Enon Elementary School:  Tiffany Modlin, Special Education Paraprofessional, Employ effective November 6, 2019 (Replacing Kimber Mizell).


4.                  Franklinton Primary School:  Jennifer Thompson, Special Education Paraprofessional, Employ effective November 6, 2019 (Replacing Donna Miller).


5.                  Franklinton Elementary School:  Aimee Haley, Special Education Paraprofessional, Employ effective November 11, 2019 (Replacing Vickie Anders).


6.                  Varnado High School:  Amber Dillon, School Lunch Worker, Employ effective November 1, 2019 (Replacing Beverly Harry).


            Agenda Item #15 – Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Transportation Adjustments (Shane Smith).

It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board adopt the Transportation Adjustments as follows:




Franklinton District:                                                       Extend the route of Melaney Rauch 3 miles one way to pick up student on Star Creek Road due to road closure.  Effective date:  October 29, 2019.


Pine/Thomas District:                                                   Extend the route of Janet Thomas 1 mile one-way due to turn around moved to church parking lot.  Effective date:  October 28, 2019.

Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #16 – Consider a motion to call Special Board meetings on November 12, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. and November 14, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of interviewing applicants for Superintendent (John Wyble).


It was moved by Bruce Brown, seconded by Frankie Crosby, that the Board call Special Board meetings on November 12, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. and November 14, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of interviewing applicants for Superintendent.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #17 - Superintendent’s Report


Veterans Day schedule is in your folder.


            Agenda Item #18 - Personal Privileges – School Board Members


Hannah Ard was recognized at tonight’s meeting from Southeastern Louisiana University.  Ms. Ard is a Middle School Science major.


The Board wished all a Happy Thanksgiving.


The Board thanked all schools for Veteran’s programs.


The Board congratulated all schools on their School Performance Scores.


Agenda Item #19 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Frankie Crosby, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.



John Wyble, President



Darrell Fairburn, Secretary