Franklinton, Louisiana

August 27, 2019

5:30 P.M.



The Washington Parish School Board met in special session on the above date with the following members present: Dan Slocum, Bruce Brown, Kendall McKenzie, Robert Boone, Lesley McKinley, John Wyble, Dewitt Perry, Alan McCain, and Frankie Crosby.  Absent: None.


            Agenda Item #1 - Call to order


            The meeting was called to order by President John Wyble. 


            Agenda Item #2 - Invocation


            The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.


            Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance


            Agenda Item #4 – Consider  a motion to grant Superintendent Darrell Fairburn annual leave from September 3, 2019 – October 11, 2019 (John Wyble).


            It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Robert Boone, that the Board approve leave without pay from September 3, 2019 through October 11, 2019 for Superintendent Darrell Fairburn.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #5 – Consider a motion to amend the resignation date of Superintendent Darrell Fairburn from December 31, 2019 to January 31, 2020 to serve as transitional superintendent (John Wyble).


            It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Dewitt Perry, that the Board amend the resignation date of Superintendent Darrell Fairburn from December 31, 2019 to January 31, 2020.  Motion carried unanimously.


            It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Dewitt Perry, to amend the employment contract of Superintendent Darrell Fairburn to reflect the change of resignation date.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #6 – Consider a motion to declare a hiring freeze on all new positions and promotions (John Wyble).


            It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Kendall McKenzie, that the Board place a hiring freeze on all new positions and promotions effective immediately and until a new superintendent is employed.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #7 – Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Superintendent Search (John Wyble).


            The Board discussed the search process and decided on several dates for upcoming meetings with staff.  They discussed sending out a survey to employees, students, parents and the general public.  Applications for the superintendent position will be accepted and must be postmarked by September 28, 2019.


Agenda Item #8 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


            It was moved by Frankie Crosby, seconded by Kendall McKenzie, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.



John Wyble, President



Darrell Fairburn, Secretary