Franklinton, Louisiana

August 8, 2019

6:00 p.m.



The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: Dan Slocum, John Wyble, Lesley McKinley, Bruce Brown, Kendall McKenzie, Robert Boone, Alan McCain, Dewitt Perry, and Frankie Crosby.  Absent: None.


Agenda Item #1 - Call to order


The meeting was called to order by President John Wyble.


Agenda Item #2 – Invocation


The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.


Agenda Item #3 – Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #4 – Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the July 18, 2019, regular board meeting (John Wyble).


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Kendall McKenzie, that the Board adopt the minutes of the July 18, 2019, regular board meeting as submitted to each member.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #5 – Presentation to Kewanda August, Wesley Ray Elementary Principal (Sandy Morgan)


The Louisiana Principal Fellowship Program partners with the National Institute for School Leaders (NISL) to offer an executive development program (EDP) for school and district level leaders at all stages in their career.  The year-long fellowship strives to help school leaders become visionary drivers of change, instructional leaders, strategic thinkers, and creators of just, fair, and caring school cultures.  School and district culture can be transformed by providing an Executive Development Program to entire school leadership teams including district staff, aspiring leaders, assistant principals, and principals.  The Louisiana Principal Fellowship Program partners with the National Institute for School leadership (NISL) and is designed to be delivered to cohorts of leaders across a district, consortia of school systems, or across the state.  District and/or state leaders partner with the National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) on the model of delivery that best meets needs.


Superintendent Fairburn presented Ms. August with a plaque of appreciation for completing the program and congratulated her on a job well done.


Agenda Item #6 – Presentation of June 2019 financial statements (Lacy Burris).


Lacy Burris, Director of Finance, presented the June 2019 financial statements at the Monday night committee meeting for the following funds:


General Fund

School Lunch Fund

Tax District #4 Bond Sinking Fund


Agenda Item #7 – Consider a motion to amend the Code of Conduct (Frances Varnado).


It was moved by Dewitt Perry, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board amend the Code of Conduct as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Agenda Item #8 - Personnel Report (Mary Jones).




1.                Mt. Hermon School:  William Riley, Bus Operator, Retirement Resignation effective August 2, 2019.



1.                Franklinton Jr. High School:  Misty Dickens, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective July 23, 2019.


2.                Franklinton High School:  Stacy Bond, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective July 29, 2019.


3.                Mt. Hermon School:  Michael Watts, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective August 2, 2019.


4.                Varnado High School:  Emerlyne Jones, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective July 22, 2019.


5.                Varnado High School:  Emelda Mark, Special Education Paraprofessional, Resignation effective July 22, 2019.




1.                Kathryn Kulbeth, Literacy Paraprofessional, Thomas Elementary School TO Regular Teacher, Mt. Hermon School effective the 2019/2020 school year (Replacing Melissa Edwards).


2.                Polly Thigpen, Assistant Principal of Instruction, Varnado High School TO ESLTeacher/English Learners Facilitator, Franklinton Primary School effective August 19, 2019.


3.                Cynthia Tate, Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton Primary School TO Regular Teacher, Mt. Hermon School effective the 2019/2020 school year (Replacing Michael Watts).




1.                Central Office:  Chavella Lewis, Administrative Assistant I – Literacy/Curriculum TO Accountant II – Payroll Clerk - Retirement effective August 1, 2019 (Replacing Melissa Mauer).


2.                Central Office:  Christi Wood, Administrative Assistant I – Receptionist TO Administrative Assistant I – Literacy/Curriculum effective August 1, 2019 (Replacing Chavella Lewis).


3.                Mt. Hermon School:  Patti Burch, Special Education Paraprofessional TO Literacy Paraprofessional (Paid out of EIS) effective the 2019/2020 school year (Change of funding source).


4.                Varnado High School: Christopher Davenport, Regular Teacher TO Faculty Coordinator (10 months) effective the 2019/2020 school year (Replacing Polly Thigpen).



1.                  Central Office:  Karen Miller, Administrative Assistant I – Receptionist, Employ effective August 12, 2019.


2.                  Franklinton Primary School:  Deborah Johnson, School Lunch Worker, Employ effective the Fall Semester of the 2019/2020 school year only (Fill in for Paula Anthony).


3.                  Franklinton Jr. High School:  Harley Jenkins, Regular Teacher, Employ effective the 2019/2020 school year (Replacing Misty Dickens).


4.                  Franklinton High School:  Laiton Stewart, Regular Teacher, Employ effective the 2019/2020 school year (Replacing Stacy Bond).


5.                  Thomas Elementary School:  Sondra Angelo, Literacy Paraprofessional, Employ effective the 2019/2020 school year (To be paid out of Title I/EIS) (Replacing Kathryn Kulbeth).


6.                  Varnado High School:  Lonnie Magee, Regular Teacher, Employ effective the 2019/2020 school year (Replacing Emerlyne Jones).


7.                  Varnado High School:  Diamond Seal, School Lunch Worker, Employ effective August 5, 2019 (Replacing Cary Harry).


8.                  Varnado High School:  Sherina Thompson, Special Education Paraprofessional, Employ effective the 2019/2020 school year (Replacing Emelda Mark).


9.                  Franklinton Primary School: Michelle Dillon, Special Education Paraprofessional, Employ effective August 6, 2019 (Replacing Cynthia Tate).




Central Office:  Shane Smith, Coordinator of Support Services, Transportation and Parish Athletic Director, Contract renewal August 11, 2019 through August 10, 2021.


Central Office: Marsha Newman, Supervisor of School Food Service, Contract renewal August 15, 2019 through August 14, 2021.


Agenda Item #9 - Superintendent’s Report


Shane Smith gave an update on ongoing construction projects at all schools.


Add to the Agenda:  It was moved by Frankie Crosby, seconded by Kendall McKenzie, that the Board consider a motion to authorize to advertise for the Superintendent position.  Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Alan McCain, seconded by Frankie Crosby, that the Board authorize advertisement for the Superintendent position.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #10 - Personal Privileges – School Board Members


The Board congratulated Shane Smith and Marsha Newman on their contract renewals.


            Mr. Greg Spiers, Candidate for BESE District 6 addressed the Board concerning his campaign.


Agenda Item #11 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Frankie Crosby, seconded by Alan McCain, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.



John Wyble, President



Darrell Fairburn, Secretary