Franklinton, Louisiana

August 4, 2005

5:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: Richard Thomas, Jr., Dan Slocum, Karl Bickham, Bruce Brown, Hayward Boone, Susanne Jones, Holly James, Matthew Tate and Freddie Jefferson.  Absent: None.


Agenda Item #1 - Call to order


The meeting was called to order by President Richard Thomas, Jr.  He welcomed School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn, news media and guests.


Agenda Item #2 - Invocation


The invocation was given by Bruce Brown.


Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to enter into executive session for the purpose of interviewing applicants for Assistant Principal, Mt. Hermon School (Dennie Fowler).


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board enter into executive session for the purpose of interviewing applicants for Assistant Principal, Mt. Hermon School.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #5 - Consider a motion to return to regular session.


It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board return to regular session.  Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Karl Bickham, that the Board employ Don McDaniel as Assistant Principal at Mt. Hermon School for the 2005/2006 school year only.  The position is a 10 month position.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #6 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the July 14, 2005, regular board meeting.


It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board adopt the minutes of the July 14, 2005, regular board meeting as submitted to each member.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #7 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding bids received for fencing at the Franklinton School Site (Dennie Fowler).


It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board accept the low bid from Triple B Construction and Fence, Co., Vacherie, LA in the amount of $88,815.00.  Other bids submitted were: Arrow Fence Co., Baton Rouge, LA - $110,000.00; EBE Fence Co., New Orleans, LA - $125,000.00; Hamp's Construction Co., New Orleans, LA - $98,800.00; and Scott Fence Co., Baton Rouge, LA - $121,370.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #8 - Consider a motion to adopt revised Washington Parish School Board Policy File: IFBGA: Acceptable Use Policy (Patty Alford).


It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Dan Slocum, that the Board adopt the following revised Washington Parish School Board Policy File: IFBGA: Acceptable Use Policy:



Washington Parish School System 2005-2006

 Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)


The Washington Parish School Board believes it is necessary for all persons to become aware of acceptable use of computers. Any person using computers or other electronic information resources shall be required to use such equipment and resources in a responsible, legal manner. The School Board retains the right to monitor all computer usage and files for compliance to all regulations and/or procedures.

Technology, particularly Internet access, is available to students and employees in the Washington Parish School System. We are very pleased to bring access to these resources to our school system. Technology offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to students, teachers, and administrators.

Our goal in providing these resources to our students is to enhance innovative education for students through access to unique resources and collaborations. Furthermore, teachers will improve learning and teaching through research, teacher training, collaboration, and dissemination of successful educational practices, methods, and materials.

Guidelines are provided so that the technology users are aware of the responsibilities they are about to assume. Responsibilities include appropriate, efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of network resources. The student's and parent or guardian's signatures on the attached contract is binding and indicates that he/she has read the terms and conditions carefully and understands their significance. In addition, ALL employees must sign and adhere to the provisions of this acceptable use policy.




1.   Acceptable Use - Technology resources in our school system shall ONLY be used to support teaching and learning. By providing access to unique resources and opportunities for collaborative work, technology can enhance student performance.


2.       Privileges - The use of technology is a privilege, not a right, and therefore inappropriate use may result in the cancellation of those privileges by the administrator in each school.


3.       Network Etiquette - Users are expected to abide by the Washington Parish School System rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to the following:


a.       ALL hardware and software purchases and installations should be approved by the Technology Department.

b.       All technology hardware and software resources purchased by WPSS are the property of the Washington Parish School System and are loaned to students and faculty for their use.

c.       Be polite; do not send abusive or threatening messages to others.

d.       Use appropriate language.

e.       Do not reveal personal addresses or phone numbers of students or colleagues.

f.         Note that Electronic Mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities must be reported to authorities. WPSS provides email accounts for its employees and does not warrant access to other email services or messaging services. Other webmail is not permitted on any computers located in classrooms or used by students except for WPSS provided student accounts (currently Gaggle).

g.       Hardware or software shall not be destroyed, modified, or abused in any way.

h.       Do not use the network in a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other users (e.g. downloading huge files during prime time, sending mass E-mail messages, installation of unapproved software, or annoying other users using chat, talk, or write functions). The network should be used only for research, information gathering, and academic practice directly related to school assignments and extracurricular projects supervised by school faculty.

i.         The network is NOT designed to be used as a radio or television for the classroom. Any such use should be DIRECTLY related to instruction. All streaming media not directly related to instruction is prohibited.

j.         Malicious use of the network to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer, computing system, or network is prohibited. Use of the network to damage the software components of a computer or computing system is prohibited.

k.        Student e-mail, chat, and instant messaging of any form should be used for legitimate and responsible communication only under the supervision of a teacher.

l.         Employee email, chat, and instant messaging of any form should be used for legitimate and responsible communication.

m.     Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, cursing, and other anti-social behaviors are prohibited on the network.

n.       The illegal installation of copyrighted software for use on district computers is prohibited.

o.       Use of the network to access or process, inappropriate text files and materials, and/or files dangerous to any individual or group is prohibited.

p.       Any software or actions that impact the integrity of the local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), or other networks are forbidden.

q.       Chat rooms may be used only with approval from building level administrator and the guidance of the teacher for instructional activities. A letter requesting the authorization to chat should be sent to the WPSS Technology Coordinator.

r.        Transmission of any materials in violations of any U.S. or state regulation is prohibited. This includes - but is not limited to - copyrighted software, music, videos, and other materials protected by trade institutions and ALL threatening or obscene material.

s.       Use for product advertisement, political lobbying, or illegal activities is strictly prohibited.

t.        Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities is prohibited. Students should access only those files that belong to them or which they have been granted permission to use by faculty.

u.       Files stored on district computers and servers should be limited to those relating to formal school courses or activities.

v.        Invading the privacy of individuals is prohibited.

w.      Using the account or password of another user is prohibited. Distribution of passwords by other than designated staff is forbidden.

x.    Posting communications without the author's consent is prohibited.

y.       Posting or sending anonymous messages is prohibited.


4.       Security - Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the Internet or Wide Area Network (WAN), you must notify the school administrator who will notify the District Coordinator as a security risk or a user having a history of problems with other computer users may be denied access to technology resources.


5.       Vandalism - Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges and/or other disciplinary actions. Vandalism related to technology is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy the equipment or data of another user, LAN, WAN, or other networks that are connected to the WPSS network. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.


6.       Consequences of Misuse - According to the Washington Parish School Board Policy Manual, school principals shall discipline any user who accesses, sends, receives, or configures electronically any profane, inappropriate, and/or obscene language or pictures. Any individual failing to follow the above "Terms and Conditions" is subject to appropriate disciplinary measures as determined by school administrators. Students may receive any consequences appropriate to students of the WPSS.


7.       Bypassing Filters or Security Systems - Attempts to remove, modify, or bypass software, hardware, and configurations installed to prevent Internet or other access to obscene or inappropriate  material, other objectionable materials, or prohibited resources is forbidden. Such violations shall result in cancellation of computer use privileges and mandatory suspension from school.


8.    Monitoring - Teachers agree to instruct the students on acceptable technology use and monitor all student technology use to insure student compliance with this policy. Students agree that teachers and administrators have the right to monitor ALL student activity using the network and other technology resources. Employees agree that WPSS Coordinators and network administrators have the right to monitor ALL employee activity using the network and other technology resources.




This Code of Conduct applies to all users of these technology resources. Honesty, integrity, and respect for the rights of others should be evident at all times. Photographs may only be permitted with current, signed Washington Parish photo release on file. Students will not be identified by name in conjunction with a recognizable picture on school websites. School websites will only identify students by first name.


The technology user is held responsible for his/her actions and activities. Unacceptable uses of the network will result in school suspension and/or revocation of these privileges.


Directions: After reading the Washington Parish School System Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions, please read and fill out the appropriate portions of the following contract completely and legibly. Please return this contract to your teacher or school administrator.


I have read the Acceptable Use Policy. I understand and will abide by the regulations. I understand misuse is unethical and illegal. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and/or disciplinary action will be taken. A signed copy of this document must be on file with the teacher. In the case where the employee is the user, a copy will be on file in the office.

Must be completed by student/ employee

   User Name (please print): _______________________________________________

   User Signature: __________________________________________________

   Date: _____/_____/_____


As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Terms and Conditions of the Washington Parish School System Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and Washington Parish School System has taken available precautions to monitor student access. However, I also recognize it is impossible for Washington Parish School System to restrict all controversial materials, and I will not hold them (WPSS) responsible for the materials acquired on the network. I hereby give my permission for my child to have school use of technology including the Internet.


Must be completed by parent or guardian.

   Parent or Guardian (please print): __________________________________________

   Signature: ____________________________________________________________

   Date: _____/_____/_____

   Daytime Phone Number: _________________________

   Evening Phone Number: __________________________


Photo Release Form


Please check only one.


___ I give my permission for photos and/or images of my child, captured through video, photo, and digital camera, to be used in connection with Washington Parish School System activities.  I understand that all photos and videos will become property of the Washington Parish System, and will not be used for commercial gain. These recordings will be used in educational and promotional videos, presentations, newsletters, web sites, etc.  I further agree that any additional reproductions (yearbooks& newspapers) may be published and distributed to the general public.  However, it is policy that for school web sites, only first names will be used. 


___  I do not give my permission for photos and/or images of my child, captured through video, photo, and digital camera, to be used in connection with Washington Parish School System activities.


Parent or Guardian (please print): __________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________

 Date: _____/_____/_____


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #9 - Consider a motion to approve student transfer requests for the 2005/2006 school year (Karen Spears).


Upon the recommendation of Karen Spears, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, it was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board approve the following transfer requests for the 2005/2006 school year:


Student Name               Home District                Requested District     Grade    Type of Transfer


Allen, Nekeya                Pine School                   Franklinton High            11th       Academic

Crain, Michael               Franklinton High             Pine High                      10th       Academic

Creel, Brandon               Wesley Ray                  Pine School                   4th         Hardship

Creel, Danica                 Wesley Ray                  Pine School                   3rd         Hardship

Creel, David, Jr.             Angie Jr. High                Thomas Jr. High             7th         Hardship

Easterling, Alisha           Varnado High                 Pine High                      9th         Athletics

Easterling, Joseph          Enon Elementary           Franklinton Jr. High        6th         Hardship

Hebert, Beanna              Varnado Elementary       Pine School                   3rd         Hardship

Hebert, Destin               Varnado Elementary       Pine School                   4th         Hardship

Holmes, Connor             Thomas Jr. High             Franklinton Primary        2nd        Hardship

Howard, Ashlynn            Franklinton Primary        Enon Elementary           LA4      Administrative

Howard, Damon             Franklinton Primary        Enon Elementary           1st         Administrative

James, Jessica              Wesley Ray                  Varnado Elementary       5th        Administrative

Morgan, Kandis             Franklinton High             Mt. Hermon School        10th       Hardship

Morgan, Katelin             Franklinton High             Mt. Hermon School        9th         Hardship

Sprinkle, Ashley            Wesley Ray                  Varnado Elementary       2nd        Hardship

 Sprinkle, Vincent           Wesley Ray                  Varnado Elementary       K          Hardship

Stogner, Nicholas          Wesley Ray                  Varnado Elementary       5th         Administrative

Thomas, Sara                Varnado High                 Pine High                    12th       Administrative

Turner, Halie                  Angie Jr. High                Thomas Jr. High            7th         Hardship

Vice, De'Vontay             Wesley Ray                  Varnado Elementary       5th         Administrative

Vice, Donald                  Wesley Ray                  Varnado Elementary       5th         Administrative

White, Ted James          Varnado High                 Pine High                      9th         Athletics

Wilson, Harlee               Angie Jr. High                Pine School                   6th         Hardship


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #10 - Consider a motion to approve Bus Operator Cecealine Tate's request to place his second bus, a 1995 International, in the spare bus pool (William Brignac).


It was moved by Matthew Tate, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board approve Bus Operator Cecealine Tate's request to place his second bus, a 1995 International, in the spare bus pool.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #11 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding quotes received on fencing at Varnado Elementary School (William Brignac).


Upon the recommendation of William Brignac, Supervisor of Maintenance, it was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board accept the low bid from Thomas Fence Company, Franklinton, LA in the amount of $3,827.50.  Other bids submitted: Sherman Fence Company, Franklinton, LA  - $ 8,660.00 and Chamico, Inc., Bogalusa, LA - $11,307.60.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #12 - Consider a motion to adopt the revised job descriptions for the Supervisor of Instruction - Elementary and Supervisor of Instruction - Adult Education (Richard Kennedy).


Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Fowler, it was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board adopt the revised job descriptions for the Supervisor of Instruction - Elementary and Supervisor of Instruction - Adult Education.  Motion carried unanimously.


Superintendent Fowler stated that this change in job description has no reflection on Mr. Johnson.  He stated that he is placing textbooks closer to the curriculum.


Agenda Item #13 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel and Transportation Adjustments (Richard Kennedy).


Upon the recommendation of Richard Kennedy, Personnel Director, it was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board approve the Personnel and Transportation Adjustments as follows:






Franklinton High School: Sylvia Graves, Regular Teacher, Retirement Resignation effective July 19, 2005.

Pine School: Thaddie Johnson, Adapted Physical Education Teacher, Retirement Resignation effective May 31, 2005.

Varnado Elementary School: Jane Jacobs, Regular Teacher, Retirement Resignation effective November 26, 2005.




Franklinton Primary School/Franklinton Elementary School: Tanya Moses, Counselor, Resignation effective July 26, 2005.

Franklinton Primary School: Kathryn Goynes, Special Education Teacher, Resignation effective July 18, 2005.

Franklinton Primary School: Eleanor Milton, LA 4 Teacher, Resignation effective August 4, 2005.

Franklinton High School: Rebecca Turner, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective  August 1, 2005.




Kimberly Cooke, Speech Therapist Assistant, Franklinton Resource Center, effective the 2005/2006 school year TO Speech Pathologist Assistant, Franklinton Resource Center, to be employed 110/182 days of the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending Certification).


Carolyn Cox, School Clerk, Franklinton High School, Employment date effective July 25, 2005 TO Employment date effective August 1, 2005.


Ladonis Dillon, Bus Operator, Pine School, Retirement Resignation effective date August 31, 2005 TO Retirement Resignation effective date August 14, 2005.


Leslie Westmoreland, Speech Language Pathologist Assistant, Franklinton Resource Center, effective the 2005/2006 school year TO Speech Language Pathologist Assistant, Franklinton Resource Center, to be employed 110/182 days of the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending Certification).




Lou Alford, Regular Teacher, Franklinton Primary School for the 2005/2006 school year TO Regular Teacher, Mt. Hermon School for the Fall Semester of the 2005/2006 school year only (Replacing Jennifer Buras McElveen who is on leave).


Barbara Brumfield, Special Education Teacher, Mt. Hermon School TO Compliance Facilitator, Franklinton Resource Center effective the 2005/2006 school year only(To be paid out of IDEA funds).


Sharon Burch, Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton Primary School TO Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton High School effective the 2005/2006 school year.


Zella Foster, Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton Primary School TO Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton Elementary School effective the 2005/2006 school year.


Kimberly Gill, Special Education Paraprofessional, Franklinton Primary School TO  Special Education Paraprofessional, Enon Elementary School effective the 2005/2006 school year.


Linus Magee, Bus Operator, Pine School TO Bus Operator, Pine School transferring to Ladonis Dillon's route effective the 2005/2006 school year.


Lester Thomas, Bus Operator, Franklinton District TO Bus Operator, Pine District transferring to Linus Magee's route effective the 2005/2006 school year.




Mt. Hermon School: Jennifer Buras  McElveen, Regular Teacher, Sick Leave August 11, 2005 - August 24, 2005 / Extended Sick Leave, August 25, 2005 - October 28, 2005 2 day / Leave Without Pay, October 28, 2005 2 day - January 11, 2006.




Franklinton Jr. High School: Helen La Verne Corkern, School Food Service Worker, Leave Without Pay for the 2005/2006 school year.



Wesley Ray Elementary School: Yvonne Brumfield, Special Education Bus Operator TO Special Education Bus Attendant due to health problems, effective the 2005/2006 school year only.




Angie Jr. High School: Loretta Dupre=, LPN School Nurse, effective the Fall Semester of the 2005/2006 school year only(To be paid out of IDEA funds).

Enon Elementary School: Winnie Joyce Darbonne, LA4 Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Certified).

Enon Elementary School: Carmen Jones, Part-Time School Food Service Worker, effective August 8, 2005.

Enon Elementary School: Sharon Phillips, Part-Time Counselor, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Certified).

Franklinton Schools: Melaney Erwin, Bus Operator, effective the 2005/2006 school year (Replacing Landis Roberts).

Franklinton Primary School: Julie Kelley, LA 4 Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Certified)(Replacing Eleanor Milton).

Franklinton Primary School: Wanda Patton, Full-Time School Food Service Worker, effective August 8, 2005.

Franklinton Primary School: Angela Michelle Thomas, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year(Replacing Lou Alford).

Franklinton Jr. High School: Penny Magee, Special Education Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT Certification)(Replacing Gabrielle Bradley).

Franklinton Jr. High School: Diane Smith, Part-Time School Food Service Worker, effective August 8, 2005.

Franklinton Jr. High School: Chanda Thomas, Special Education Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT2 Certification).

Franklinton High School: Mark DuPuis, Special Education Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending OFAT Certification)(Replacing Brett Beard).

Franklinton High School: Christopher Garrett, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT2 Certification).

Franklinton High School: Jacob McCormick, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year (Certified)(Replacing Amy Garrett).

Franklinton High School: Christopher Talley, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT3 Certification).

Franklinton High School: Scott Thomassen, Special Education Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT1 Certification).

Franklinton High School: Clint Willie, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT2 Certification).

Franklinton High School: Deborah Wilson, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only(Replacing Rebecca Turner).

Franklinton Resource Center: Helen Goings Cline, Speech Pathologist Assistant, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending Certification).

Franklinton Resource Center: John Ellzey, Educational Diagnostician, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (To be paid out of IDEA Funds).

Franklinton Resource Center; Jolene Lindsey, Speech Pathologist Assistant, to be employed 110/182 days of the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending certification).

Franklinton Resource Center: Augusta Louise Parra, Speech Pathologist Assistant, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending Certification).

Mt. Hermon School: Pamela Briggs, Special Education Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT1 Certification)(Replacing Barbara Brumfield).

Pine School: Bridget Allen, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year  (Certified)(Replacing Bettye Nelson).

Pine School: Ernest Foy, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year (Certified)(Replacing Matt Stogner).

       Pine School: Kendric Stewart, Adapted P.E. Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT1 Certification)(Replacing Thaddie Johnson). 

Varnado Elementary School: Miranda Fersch, Special Education Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT2 Certification).

Varnado High School: Greaselda Abram, Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT1 Certification)(Replacing Vol Holden).

Varnado High School: Lester Jenkins, ISSP Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT3 Certification).

Varnado High School: LaMonica D. Moses, School Secretary, effective August 5, 2005.

Varnado High School: Herman Walton, Jr., Regular Teacher, effective the 2005/2006 school year only (Pending TAT1 Certification)(Replacing Thomas Bivens).




Pine School:                                                                  Extend the route of Terry Jenkins 10.7 miles one way to transport students from Pine High School to Franklinton Vocational Center.


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #14 - Consider a motion to employ Sylvia Graves, Regular Teacher, Franklinton High School, effective the 2005/2006 school year (Richard Kennedy).


It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board employ Sylvia Graves, Regular Teacher, Franklinton High School, effective the 2005/2006 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Karl Bickham, to add to the agenda: Consider a motion to authorize advertisement for Reading First Part Time Paraprofessionals.  Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Karl Bickham, to authorize advertisement for Reading First Part Time Paraprofessionals.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #15 - Superintendent's Report


Superintendent Fowler introduced and welcomed Gloria Lupo from the Daily News.  Ms. Lupo will be covering the school board meetings.


Superintendent Fowler stated that Summer School Leap Scores will be in on August 5, 2005.


Superintendent Fowler gave updates on the construction projects.


Agenda Item #16 - Other business from board members.


All board members congratulated Mr. Don McDaniel on his position as Assistant Principal at Mt. Hermon School and wished him success.


Matthew Tate stated that he would like to see the board minutes on the Washington Parish School Board website.  Mr. Tate requested that Attorney Wayne Kuhn discuss the legal issues of transferring from one system to another.


Attorney Wayne Kuhn stated that he had researched the legal issues concerning transferring from one system to another and that within his research he found nothing illegal about the transfers.  He also checked with two (2) attorneys with the BESE board and they stated that there was nothing illegal about the transfers.


Superintendent Fowler then stated that we are not opening the floodgates for everyone to transfer and that he or the principal could reject out of district transfers.  He said that the system would not allow transfers to cause overcrowding or the need to hire additional teachers.


Agenda Item #17 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Bruce Brown, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.