Franklinton, Louisiana

March 24, 2005

6:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: Richard Thomas, Jr., Karl Bickham, Hayward Boone, Susanne Jones, Matthew Tate and Freddie Jefferson.  Absent: Dan Slocum, Holly James and Bruce Brown.


Agenda Item #1 - Call to order


The meeting was called to order by President Richard Thomas.  He welcomed news media and guests.


Agenda Item #2 - Invocation


The invocation was given by Freddie Jefferson.


Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the March 10, 2005, regular board meeting (Richard Thomas).


It was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board adopt the minutes of the March 10, 2005, regular board meeting as submitted to each member.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #5 - Consider a motion to adopt the 2005/2006 school calendar (Dennie Fowler).


It was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Karl Bickham, that the Board adopt the 2005/2006 school calendar as follows:




                                                     SCHOOL CALENDAR - 2005-2006


     TCHR.     INSTRUCT.

MONTH                                    EVENT                                      DATE                                DAYS       DAYS


August                     Staff Development                               August 11                                15          13

Staff Development (ALL)                      August 12                    

(2 Day Staff Dev. & 2 Day

Tchr. Work Day)

    Classes Begin                                  August 15


September              Labor Day                                            September 5                            21         21


October                   Washington Parish Fair                       October 19, 20, 21                    18         18


November               Educational Conventions                    November 21, 22, 23                 17         17

1st. Term Emergency Days*                 November 21, 22

Thanksgiving Holidays                        November 24, 25


December               Christmas Holidays                             December 20 (2 Day) - 31         14         13

(Dec. 20 - 2 Day Instruct.

& 2 Day Tchr. Work Day (All)

Students dismissed at 12:00)


January                  New Years Holidays                             January 2, 3                             19         18

Staff Development Day                         January 12

Martin Luther King Day                        January 16                                    


February                Mardi Gras                                           February 27, 28                        18         18


March                    No Holidays                                                                                           23        23


April                      Good Friday                                         April 14                                     14         14

Spring Holidays                                   April 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 

2nd Term Emergency Day*                  April 20, 21


May                        Staff Development (ALL)                     May 30 (2 Day Instruct.              23         21

(2 Day)                                                  & 2 Day Staff Dev. [ALL]

Students dismissed at 12:00

Teacher Work Day(ALL)                       May 31

School Closes                                      May 31

Report Cards Mailed                            May 31


TOTALS           182 DAYS  177 DAYS




October 14                   1st. Nine Weeks            44 Instructional Days                1st. Semester 88 Days

January 11                   2nd. Nine Weeks           44 Instructional Days              2nd. Semester 88 Days

March 20                      3rd. Nine Weeks            44 Instructional Days   

May 30                         4th. Nine Weeks            44 Instructional Days



NO. OF HOLIDAYS                                           177 Instructional Days

Labor Day                                1 Day                  3 Staff Development Days

WP Fair                                   3 Days                 2 Teacher Work Days

Educational Conventions         3 Days             182 Teacher Days       

Thanksgiving                           2 Days

Christmas/New Year=s             10 Days                                   

Martin Luther King Day            1 Day              177 Instructional Days = 63,720 Minutes

Mardi Gras                               2 Days

Spring Holidays                       6 Days


     TOTAL HOLIDAYS               28 Days               *IF NOT NEEDED, THESE DAYS WILL BE HOLIDAYS.



Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #6 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding construction projects (Dennie Fowler).


Superintendent Fowler gave an update on the projects.  No action needed. 


Agenda Item #7 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel and Transportation Adjustments (Richard Kennedy).


Upon the recommendation of Richard Kennedy, Personnel Director, it was moved by Susanne Jones, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board approve the following personnel and transportation adjustments:






Mt. Hermon School: Victoria A Crain, LINCS Technology Instructor, Retirement Resignation effective June 1, 2005.




Pine School: Jean Knight, Regular Teacher, Resignation effective March 18, 2005.

Pine School: Leigh Ann Watson, Business Teacher, Resignation effective April 22, 2005.




Mt. Hermon School: Donice Thomas, Custodian effective March 30, 2005.

Pine School: Steven Bradley Barton, Regular Teacher effective March 21, 2005 (Certified)(Replacing Jean Knight).

Pine School: Stanley Magee, Custodian effective March 30, 2005.

Varnado Elementary School: Sandra Seal, Special Education Paraprofessional effective April 4, 2005.




ANGIE SCHOOLS:                                            Extend the route of Tim Duncan 1.7 miles one way to pick up Dendraviss Johnson and Quierra Bickham.  Effective date: February 21, 2005. 


FRANKLINTON SCHOOLS:                                Extend the route of James Mulina 2.5 miles one way to pick up Wayne Murphy and Blake Miller.  Effective date:  March 10, 2005.


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #8 - Superintendent's Report


Superintendent Fowler congratulated the Pine Lady Raiders Basketball team in their advancement to the playoffs this year.


Assistant Superintendent Richard Kennedy stated that summer school would be held at the following locations:


Angie Jr. High School                 4th Grade & 8th Grade

Franklinton Elementary School    4th Grade

Franklinton Jr. High School         8th Grade & High School

Pine School                              4th Grade, 8th Grade and High School


Summer school will be completed by July 1, 2005.


Richard Kennedy, Assistant Superintendent, also stated that the system has until January 6, 2006 to get all paraprofessionals and teachers highly qualified.  Mr. Kennedy said that all paraprofessionals will be highly qualified by January 6, 2006.  We have 112 paraprofessionals and 88 are highly qualified as of now.  Any paraprofessional not highly qualified by January 6, 2006, will be automatically terminated. 


Beth Fussell, Director of Finance, discussed changes in insurance premiums. 


Agenda Item #9 - Other business from board members.




Agenda Item #10 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.