Franklinton, Louisiana

August 19, 2004

6:30 P.M.


The Washington Parish School Board met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: Richard Thomas, Jr., Dan Slocum, Karl Bickham, Hayward Boone, Susanne Jones, Bruce Brown, Holly James, Matthew Tate and Freddie Jefferson.  Absent : None.


Agenda Item #1 - Call to order


The meeting was called to order by President Richard Thomas, Jr.  He welcomed School Board Attorney Wayne Kuhn, news media and guests.


Agenda Item #2 - Invocation


The invocation was given by Shelton Anthony, a Franklinton High School Senior, who was elected Governor at Boys State this summer.


Agenda Item #3 - Pledge of Allegiance


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sarah Ladner, Ryan Thiebaud, David McGehee, and James Gibson.  These are students who attended Boys and Girls State.


Agenda Item #4 - Consider a motion to adopt the minutes of the August 5, 2004, regular board meeting.


It was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board adopt the minutes of the August 5, 2004, regular board meeting as submitted to each Board member.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #5 - Recognition of students who attended Boys and Girls State (Dennie Fowler).


Principal Beverly Young recognized Franklinton High School Student Shelton Anthony who was elected Governor at Boys State this summer.  Shelton then introduced  the following students:


Sarah Ladner - Franklinton High School Senior who attended Girls State and was elected to the House of Representatives.


David McGehee - Mt. Hermon Senior who attended Boys State and was elected to the School Board.


Ryan Thiebaud - Franklinton High School Senior who attended Boys State and was elected to the House of Representatives.


James Gibson - Franklinton High School Senior who attended Boys State and was elected to the City Council.


Each participant spoke about their experience in attending Boys and Girls State this summer.  They learned a lot about politics and the importance of voting.


Agenda Item #6 - Presentation recognizing School Food Service Manager for successful completion of Serv-Safe (Marsha Newman).


Marsha Newman, Supervisor of School Food Service, recognized the following School Food Service Managers and presented them with a certificate:


Barbara Seals    -           Wesley Ray Elementary School

Margaret Spears-           Thomas Jr. High School

Frances Wills    -           Franklinton Primary School

Bronis Brumfield-           Pine School

Carol Johnson    -           Franklinton High School

Linda King         -           Enon Elementary School

Valerie Seal       -           Angie Jr. High School

Shirley Anthony -           Franklinton Elementary School

Mary Bradley     -           Varnado Elementary & Varnado High School

Theresa Dufrene-            Franklinton Jr. High School


Geneva Money   -           Mt. Hermon School


Agenda Item #7 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a change order for Pine Baseball and Softball fields (Dennie Fowler).


Upon the recommendation of Sam Fauntleroy, Architect, it was moved by Hayward Boone, seconded by Freddie Jefferson, that the Board approve a change order for Pine Baseball and Softball Fields.  The change order in the amount of $114,246.00 by Richard Price Contracting Co., LLC will complete the baseball and softball fields site work.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #8 - Adopt the adjusted millage rates for the tax year 2004 (Beth Fussell).


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board adopt the following resolution adopting the millage rates for the tax year 2004:




BE IT RESOLVED, by the Washington Parish School Board of the Parish of Washington, Louisiana, in a public hearing held on August 19, 2004, which hearing was conducted in accordance with the open meetings law and the additional requirements of Article VII, Section 23(C) of the Constitution, that the following adjusted millage rates be and they are hereby levied upon the dollar of the assessed valuation of all property subject to ad valorem taxation within said Parish for the year 2004, for the purpose of raising revenue:



1.         District Wide Tax for General Fund:


Constitutional Tax                                                          3.68 mills

General Operational Tax                                                 4.82 mills

General M & O Tax                                                        4.82 mills


2.         School District Taxes


A.  Special Taxes

     Angie School District Taxes                                       4.89 mills


BE IT FURTHERED RESOLVED that the Assessor of the Parish of Washington, shall extend upon the assessment roll for the year 2004 the taxes herein levied, and the tax collector of said Parish shall collect and remit the same to said taxing authority in accordance with law.


The foregoing resolution was read in full, the roll called on the adoption thereof, and the resolution was adopted by the following votes:


YEAS:                          Dan Slocum, Karl Bickham, Bruce Brown, Hayward Boone, Susanne Jones, Richard Thomas, Jr., Holly James, Matthew Tate and Freddie Jefferson.

NAYS:                          None


ABSENT:                      None




I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted at a meeting held on August 19, 2004, at which meeting a quorum was present and voting.


Franklinton, Louisiana, this 19th day of August, 2004.



   Dennie Fowler, Superintendent/Secretary


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #9 - Adopt the adjusted millage rates after Reassessment and roll forward the millage to rates not to exceed the prior year's maximum millage rate for the tax year 2004 (Beth Fussell).


It was moved by Freddie Jefferson, seconded by Matthew Tate, that the Board adopt the following resolution adopting adjusted millage rates after Reassessment and roll forward the millage to rates not to exceed the prior year's maximum millage rate for the tax year 2004:




BE IT RESOLVED, by the Washington Parish School Board of the Parish of Washington, Louisiana, in a public hearing held on August 19, 2004, which hearing was conducted in accordance with the open meetings law and the additional requirements of Article VII, Section 23(C) of the Constitution, that the taxing authority voted to increase the millage rates, but not in excess of the prior year's maximum rates, on all taxable property shown on the official assessment roll for the year 2004, and when collected, the revenues from said taxes shall be used only for the specific purposes for which said taxes have been levied.  Said millage rates are:


       Adjusted Rate                            2004 Levy

1.         District Wide Tax for General Fund:


Constitutional Tax                                              3.68 mills                                  3.91 mills

General Operational Tax                                     4.82 mills                                  5.12 mills

General M & O Tax                                            4.82 mills                                  5.12 mills

General M & O Tax                                              B                                            4.83 mills

2.         School District Taxes


A.  Special Taxes

Angie School District Taxes                    4.89 mills                                  5.12 mills

B.  Debt Service Taxes

Mt. Hermon District                                    B                                         39.00 mills

District #4                                                 B                                         46.50 mills

Varnado District                                         B                                         24.00 mills


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Assessor of the Parish of Washington, shall extend upon the assessment roll for the year 2004 the taxes herein levied, and the tax collector of said Parish shall collect and remit the same to said taxing authority in accordance with law.


The foregoing resolution was read in full, the roll called on the adoption thereof, and the resolution was adopted by no less than two-thirds of the total membership of the taxing authority voting in favor as required by Article VII, Section 23(C) of the Louisiana Constitution and R.S. 47:1705(B).  The votes were:


YEAS:                          Dan Slocum, Karl Bickham, Bruce Brown, Hayward Boone, Susanne Jones, Richard N. Thomas, Jr., Holly James, Matthew Tate and Freddie Jefferson.

NAYS:                          None


ABSENT:                      None




I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted at a meeting held on August 19, 2004, at which meeting a quorum was present and voting.


Franklinton, Louisiana, this 19th day of August, 2004.



Dennie Fowler, Superintendent/Secretary


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #10 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding quotes received on a portable building at Mt. Hermon School (William Brignac).


Upon the recommendation of Supervisor William Brignac, it was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board accept the low bid of $3,385.00 from Better Built Portable Buildings, Bogalusa, LA.  Other bids were as follows: H.O.B. Materials, Bogalusa, LA - $3,812.00 and Lifetime Buildings LLC, Franklinton, LA  - $4,450.00.  This building will be used for a Speech and Hearing room and will be paid for out of Medicaid funds.  Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #11 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding student transfer requests for the 2004/2005 school year (Karen Spears).


It was moved by Karl Bickham, seconded by Dan Slocum, that the Board approve the following transfer requests for the 2004/2005 school year:




Bennett, Christian          Thomas Jr. High              Franklinton Primary                    2nd        Hardship

Bennett, Christopher      Thomas Jr. High              Franklinton Elementary               5th         Hardship

Creel, Brandon Ray        Varnado Elementary       Pine School                               3rd         Hardship

Creel, Jr., Dwight           Angie Jr. High                 Pine School                               6th         Hardship

Jordan, Laken                Angie Jr. High                Thomas Jr. High                          7th         Hardship

Magee, Madeline           Franklinton Primary         Enon Elementary                       1st        Administrative


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #12 - Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Personnel and Transportation Adjustments (Richard Kennedy).


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Hayward Boone, that the Board approve the following Personnel Adjustments, as recommended by Richard Kennedy, Assistant Superintendent:






Franklinton High School: Madis Russell, Special Education Paraprofessional, Resignation effective August 11, 2004.




Edna E. Bickham, Special Education Paraprofessional, Varnado Elementary School  TO Special Education Paraprofessional, Angie Jr. High School, Effective August 23, 2004.


Barbara Brumfield, Special Education Teacher, Mt. Hermon School TO Behavior Interventionist, Franklinton Resource Center, Effective August 23, 2004 - January 12, 2005 and Special Education Teacher, Mt. Hermon School, the Spring Semester of the 2004/2005 school year.


Mary Moses, Special Education Paraprofessional, Wesley Ray Elementary School  TO Special Education Paraprofessional, Varnado Elementary School, Effective August 23, 2004.




Ella Rose Bickham, Reading First Content Leader/Faculty Coordinator, Franklinton Elementary School TO Reading First Content Leader, Effective August 12, 2004.


Olga Jackson, Full-Time Speech Pathology Assistant, Franklinton Primary School to Part-Time Speech Pathology Assistant, Effective the Fall Semester of the 2004/2005 school year only (Working 64/92 days) and Full-Time Speech Pathologist, Effective the Spring Semester of the 2004/2005 school year.


William Magee, Regular Teacher, Franklinton High School, Resignation effective September 13, 2004 TO Resignation effective August 13, 2004.


Rita Mulina, Regular Teacher, Franklinton Elementary School TO Regular Teacher/Faculty Coordinator, Effective the 2004/2005 school year.




Enon Elementary School: Melanie Brooks, Part-Time School Food Service Worker, Effective August 20, 2004.


Enon Elementary School: Linda Jones, Special Education Paraprofessional, Effective August 23, 2004.


Franklinton Primary School: Sharon Burch, Special Education Paraprofessional, Effective August 23, 2004.


Franklinton Primary School: Kimberly Gill, Special Education Paraprofessional, Effective August 23, 2004.


Franklinton Primary School: Shannon James, Special Education Paraprofessional, Effective August 23, 2004.


Franklinton Elementary School: Gloria Magee, Reading First Paraprofessional, Effective August 23, 2004 (Pending continuation of Reading First Grant funding).


Franklinton High School: Amy Garrett, Regular Teacher, Effective August 10, 2004 (Pending TAT1 Certification)(Replacing William Magee).


Franklinton High School: Barbara Luper, Special Education Paraprofessional, Effective August 23, 2004.


Motion carried unanimously.


Agenda Item #13 - Superintendent's Report


Charlotte Fasola, Title I Coordinator, gave an overview of Spring 2004 Test Data.  Overall test results were good.  Board members were asked to take home the handout and study them carefully and if they had questions to bring them to the Committee Meeting on September 13, 2004.


Superintendent Fowler stated that Mr. Tate had some questions on textbooks.  Robert Al Johnson and Mary Jones are responsible for textbook adoption and answered all questions.  Mr. Tate requested that each board member receive a textbook adoption list when adopted.


Superintendent Fowler advised the Board that on August 18, 2004, a group  attended District Dialogue in Baton Rouge.  A presentation on Washington Parish was made.  Several members from the BESE Board stated that the presentation Washington Parish gave was the best they had heard. 


Agenda Item #14 - Other business from board members.


Dan Slocum wanted assurance that everything possible is being done to improve test scores in all schools.


Freddie Jefferson stated that he would like to see proposed budget because he was not in support of the previous proposed budget cuts. 


Matthew Tate requested a detailed analysis of all expenditures.  He also questioned the School Board Representative that currently serves on the Washington Parish Sales Tax Commission.  On August 20, 1998, Freddie Jefferson was asked by the Board to serve as the representative for the Washington Parish Sales Tax Commission.  He was asked by the Board to continue to serve on this commission. 


Agenda Item #15 - Consider a motion to adjourn.


It was moved by Dan Slocum, seconded by Susanne Jones, that the Board adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.


Richard N. Thomas, Jr., President


Dennie Fowler, Secretary